The Adventure In Meeting Mal

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This was an idea requested by Descendantsfan03  so thank you Descendantsfan03  for this idea and for letting me use Little Mal and the quints again. And I'm sorry this took so long to post. I really hope you all enjoy.💖

I did not finish proofreading.

"Tessa I really don't think it's a good idea. My day is going to be jammed pack with work, and going to the hospital. I would watch Mal any other day, but it's hard enough to keep Pumpkin on track on these days I don't think I can handle a four year old too. Don't you have anyone else?" Georgie asked her best friend Tessa who was asking her to babysit Mal.

"It's either you or Uma, and Evie is pretty determined to not have Uma babysit. So will you please do it?" Tessa asked Georgie who groaned there was no good way this was going to turn out.

"Tessa do you remember how busy I was doing makeup  at the Cinderella play. Well imagine three times the people and makeup to do! And you remember the three kids I visited the one time well imagine four times that! Tessa you also know that once I get into my work I zone out. I'm telling you I'm not going to be a good babysitter for Mal right now." Georgie told Tessa truthfully as she knew that this would not work out, and she did not want to be dead meat.

Tessa sighs, "Can't you take a day off work?" Tessa asked Georgie who sighs, " No I can't you told me to late I'm the only one who's doing makeup right now because the other two artists came down with the flu, and I promised the kids and parents that I'd be at the hospital today." Georgie informed

Tessa sighs again before Georgie hears the phone being passed and hears April's voice. "You owe us from the time we watched Pumpkin" April told Georgie who rolled her eyes, "You mean the time I came back to your messy home, and my pup looking like a sparkly evil minion?!" Georgie asked starting to get annoyed by all this.

Pumpkin quickly awoke from her slumber when she heard the annoyance in Georgie's voice. What was going on?

"Alright fine I'll take her. Meet me at The Broadway theater that's where we'll be at." Georgie told Tessa before hanging up and looking at her pup. "Guess who we get to babysit today?" Georgie told Pumpkin who wagged her tail hoping it was Mal. " Please say it's Mal." Pumpkin barked out enthusiastically almost forgetting that she might wake the neighbors

"Pumpkin hush were the only ones up remember now let's get to work Diva Dog." Pumpkin quickly gets up and follows Georgie down the stairs, and to the car. Where she jumped into the front seat.

Georgie rolled her eyes at the dog, but didn't say anything. So Pumpkin just continued sitting there as the car started moving. At a stop light Pumpkin saw her two best friends sitting on the sidewalk so she quickly unrolled the window. "Jade, Diamond! Meet me at my work." Pumpkin called out making the two street animals look at her in confusion, but nod.

" Alright Leashed Dog we'll meet ya there." Diamond called out as both her and Jade hopped into the sewer. Probably taking the shorter, and safer route.


At the theater Georgie parked her car seeing that Tessa and Evie were already there Pumpkin also notices that her two friends were waiting by the building. Pumpkin scratch at her car door. Making Georgie laugh, "Hold on Diva Dog. I'm going as fast as I can." Pumpkin barked at her, "Go faster I want to see Mal and introduce her to my friends!" Pumpkin barked excitedly.

When the door opened Pumpkin quickly ran up to her friends car waiting for them to open their doors. Tessa seemed to notice and opened the car door closest to her, "Hey Diva Dog where's Georgie?" Tessa asks as Georgie was still getting stuff out of her trunk, and it was taking her a minute.

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