An Unplanned Vacation Prt 7

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Hey everyone here's prt 7 of this mini story. Thanks Descendantsfan03 for letting me use Little Mal in this story it means a lot anyways I hope you enjoy if you do vote and comment 💖

So, how are we working this out." Georgie asked her best friend who rolled her eyes, "We? Last time I checked you were the one who brought three kids and agreed to watch a fourth one Lily said with a huff and crossing her arms. Georgie rolled her eyes, "Lily listen I'm seriously sorry, but they're here now and I'm going to need some help." Georgie says as Lily sighs, "Georgie I'm not like you I definitely am not a kid person that's your gig I'm an actress. I don't know the first thing about children." Lily says as Georgie nods. Lily was right, she wasn't exactly a kid person. And of course all the kids had something up with them. Two with diabetes, one with asthma, and the other was in a wheelchair. "You're right you aren't, but you will be by the end of this week." Georgie says even though she had no idea how this would work out.

 What they needed were Pumpkin and Mira. They were dogs, but they were trained for this, and if they were going to split up then Lily would definitely need the help. Lily must have been thinking the same thing because she said, "Is there anyway you can… you know sneak Pumpkin and Mira in?" Lily asks as Georgie looks at her backpack that was already full of things they needed, "No my bag is officially full there is no way I could fit either of my dogs in ." Georgie admitted as she watched the kids as they continued in the line towards the Winnie The Pooh ride. "Come on Georgie we both know we need them."  Lily says as Georgie just sighs and nods, "Yeah I know, but you saw how hard it was just to get them in the resort. People just don't understand about therapy dogs, and right now I can't leave these kids  right now." Georgie says as Lily groaned. 

"Well after this ride I'll take the kids back to the room so they can finish unpacking, and then we can come back and you can fight with the staff then." Lily suggested making Georgie groan, as she really didn't feel like fighting, but they both needed the therapy dogs. "Okay, fine but when we do go back to the park later be ready to wait a bit. Again it is so hard to convince people to let therapy dogs in despite the fact they are trained to calm and help people." Georgie says as they finally begin to move in the line again. "Well we'll talk about it later. It looks like it's our turn." Lily says as Georgie nods, grabbing Mal's hand and looking at Elena. "Come on to two lets get on." Georgie says, as the two nod getting in the  honey pot shape cart as  Lily and the other two kids get on the one behind them.


Georgie sighs when the ride stops, as she grabs Mal's hand and gets out. Before grabbing Elena's wheelchair. After getting Elena back in her wheelchair. They went to regroup with the others. Who had already made their way out. "Did you two have fun?" Georgie asks as both kids scream out, "Yeah!" Georgie just smiles, "Good now we're going back to our room to get some lunch then we'll come back afterwards, okay?" Georgie asks as the kids nod, "Okay!" Elenaand Mal say as they see Lily. "How'd you enjoy the ride?'' she asked Lily. "Pretty good actually. You ready to head back?" Lily asks as Georgie nods, "Yeah, ready when you are." Georgie says looking at the kids. "Come on guys, time to go back to the hotel." Georgie says as the kids nod.

In their room Georgie put on Tangled as she went to make some food. She looks through the small freezer, finally finding the chicken nuggets, and dragon nuggets which she had thankfully found at one of the stores earlier that day. She was glad she bought them now. Otherwise she probably would have a lot of trouble getting Mal to eat. She puts them in the microwave. "Hey Lil what do you want to eat Georgie calls out as she knew her best friend hated chicken nuggets she had for as long as Georgie knew her, and that had been quite a while. "Can you make a quesadilla once the nuggets are done?" Lily asks as Georgie nods, "Yeah sure, I bought enough tortillas and cheese for it." Georgie says, "Great!" Lily says as she sits on the bed watching the movie with the kids. 

After the food was done Georgie brought it over to the kids. "Alright time to eat, please, please don't make a mess." Georgie says as they didn't really have a dining room. "The kids just nod as Georgie looks at Lily. "You think you can handle them for a few minutes?" Georgie asks as Lily nods, "As long as they're watching the movie, yes, why?" Lily asks, "I have to make a phone call. Oh and make sure not to give Mal peanuts. She is allergic to them." Georgie says as Lily nods, "Got it don't be too long though." Lily says as Georgie sighs, "I'll try not to be." Georgie says walking out into the hallway to talk to a therapy dog trainer.


Come on John, please pick up." Georgie says for the third time she tried to call the therapy dog trainer. Georgie knew he had to be off; it was Monday after all. Finally the phone made a noise and a voice answered, "Jeez Georgie what's up?" The person asks, "Hey John, I have a question." Georgie says, "Well what's the question I thought you would know everything about therapy dogs by now. I mean you own two." John says as Georgie nods, "Yeah I of course know how to handle them, and how to do my work. But I was wondering if there was any exception to some guidelines." Georgie asks as the line goes silent, "I'm sure there is why what's up?" John asked as Georgie speaks

"We're at Disney World and I have four kids. Each with something wrong with them. I need Pumpkin and Mira to tell me if anything's going to happen such as an asthma attack or low or high blood sugar." Georgie explains since she really needed her dogs with her. "Hold on I'll be back in a minute." John says. A few minutes later he started talking, "Regular ESA's and therapy dogs are not allowed in the park, but if they are trained specifically to do something like signal. Like Pumpkin and Mira then all you have to do is explain that they are working dogs, and what they do." John, "And you're sure I don't need a service dog certificate?" Georgie asks, "No you don't, does that help?" John asks. Georgie just sighs in relief, "Yes, it really does. Thanks for the help, John." Georgie say ending the call as she goes in seeing that the dishes were clean and the kids were still content watching the movie.

"Hey who'd ya call." Lily asks coming out of the kitchen, "Just a friend of mine and I learned I should be able to bring Pumpkin and Mira in without much problem." Georgie says as Lily smiles, "Thank gosh, so should we get the kids and go back yet?" Lily asks as Georgie shakes her head, "If they're content watching this then let them. Plus I haven't eaten yet, and I need to talk to Pumpkin and Mira" Georgie says as Lily nods, "Okay." Georgie then looked at her dogs.  Who instantly got the message and walked over to her. 

"Alright you two you're coming with us next time. Now this place is crazy busy and you'll need to be on your best behavior. I'm talking to you Pumpkin." Georgie says glaring at the poodle mix. "I promise I won't,'' Pumpkin says as Georgie nods good. "Mira do you think you'll be able to handle the crowds?" Georgie asks Mira who nods, "Alright well I'll get some food, and then I guess we'll ask the kids if they're ready to go." Georgie says making the dog nods as Georgie goes to the kitchen relieved that she could actually bring Pumpkin and Mira with her next time.

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