A Stray+A Bet = Disaster

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Hey everyone I had this idea for a few days now, but it wasn't until Descendantsfan03 gave me a few ideas for this story. Also thanks Descendantsfan03 for letting me use little Mal and the Quints. I really hope you enjoy if you do vote and comment. Also this is way longer than usual lol anyways enjoy 💖

"Rascal, where are my keys?" Georgie asks sternly, glaring at the Yorkie with a green and red streak in her fur, which Georgie thought was bad for the dog,  but Rascal wouldn't let her wash it off. Rascal just tried to look at Georgie innocently as Georgie just crossed her arms. "Oh no, Rascal that doesn't work on me. Keys now, preferably before Elena gets here." Georgie says as the dog groans. "Fine, you're no fun." Rascal says grabbing the key from under the couch. That's when Georgie's friend Lily came out of the spare bedroom with her hair in a very messy ponytail."Good morning Georgie, what are we eating today, and please don't say eggs or omelettes." Lily says, making Georgie roll her eyes. "It's not that. I made pancakes." 

Georgie says as she puts the pancakes on the plate for her friend. Who was staying at her house for a few weeks. And it was already reminding her of the short time the two were roommates. "Finally, and why were you being so stern with Rascal?" Lily asks as Georgie sighs, "Rascal stole my keys again." Georgie says as Lily chuckled. "Lily, please don't encourage her." Georgie warns as Lily says, "What you have to admit it's kind of cool a small dog like Rascal can steal so we'll." Lily says as Georgie rolls her eyes, "Well she does, and it's a habit I'm trying to break." Georgie says irritably as Rascal's stealing was driving her nuts. It was the only habit she hadn't taught Rascal not to do.

That's when the doorbell rang, "I got it." Georgie says as she knows it's Elena. "Hey Miss Georgie!" Elena says rolling in the house a Shetland Sheepdog pup following behind. "Hold up, that's not Shiloh. Elena what is a Shetland Sheepdog doing here." Georgie asked. "Oh, that's Lady, she needs a home. I was wondering if you could help me find one for her." Elena says as Georgie sighs, but nods, "I'll try my best to help find the dog a home." Georgie says Lily overheard the conversation.

"Why don't you just take it to the shelter. They will be able to find that dog a home and it won't waste the day." Lily suggests Elena just rolled closer. "First off Lady is a she. Second of all Miss Georgie says that over fifty six of shelter dogs are killed. That's over half of them. I can't let that happen to Lady. I would take her myself but mom said one dog was enough. She's not like Miss Georgie." Elena says as Lily, just rolls her eyes, "There's no way you're going to find that dog a home any time soon." Yes we will! Miss Georgie found the few dogs she hadn't adopted homes within the first day!" Elena exclaimed as Georgie chuckled. That was true.  

"No way!" Lily says crossing her arms making Georgie laugh, "Elena is telling the truth. I have found most dogs I haven't adopted homes within the first day of taking them in." Georgie admitted making Lily smirk, "Alright well you two can find this pup a home, but let's make this interesting. I bet you fifty dollars that you two can't find Lady a home by nightfall." Lily says. Before Georgie could answer Elena did. " Again I've seen Miss Georgie do it before so it's a bet!" Elena says as Georgie sighs, "Okay fine it's a bet, but I have a bet for you as well." Georgie started with a smirk as Lily smiles, "Oh yeah, and what is that." Lily asks cockily.

"I bet you can't watch Pumpkin and Rascal while we're gone. Georgie says as Lily smiles, "It's a bet I could watch those two in my sleep." Lily says as Georgie rolls her eyes as she looks at both Pumpkin and Rascal who barked out, "Is that a challenge?" Making both Elena and Georgie laugh as she gets Mira's and Brooks leash, and grabbing an extra leash and collar for Lady.

"Good luck, Lily." Georgie says, as Lily just chuckles, "You're the one who's going to need luck." Lily calls out as Georgie and Elena left with Mira, Brook, and Lady. Once they closed the door Elena and Georgie two dogs looked up at her. "Well she's doomed." They say in unison, making Georgie laugh again, "Oh yeah she definitely is. Now come on let's find Lady a home shall we." Georgie asks as Elena nods, " Yeah let's go!"

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