It Comes With The Territory

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Hey everyone this was another one shot requested by an anonymous requester. Thanks Descendantsfan03 for letting me use Little Mal in this story it means a lot anyways I hope you enjoy if you do vote and comment 💖

Georgie sighs enjoying some peace as Mal, Tessa, Pumpkin and Mira were playing in the playroom. It was late afternoon, or early evening and Georgie wasn't doing anything spectacular, just reading and trying to keep her house as organized as she could. That is until her phone rang. Georgie sighs answering, "Georgie speaking." Georgie says as she hears panic in the background, "What's up?'' Georgie instantly asked. "Uh Georgie I know we said we got your rounds, but I need help NOW. this veteran you were talking to is crazy and I think he's having a flashback. I could really use your help. You always know how to calm people down. "I'll be down there in five." Georgie says hanging up. "Mira get over here we've got to go."

Georgie yells out to the dog who usually helped with the VA hospital rounds, Mira and Tessa came out of the playroom with the same look of confusion, "What's going on." They ask in unison, "Mira car now we're needed desperately at the VA hospital. Tessa do you think you'll be okay for an hour?" Georgie asks as Tessa nods she could sense that whatever that phone call was about was very important. "Don't worry Georgie we'll be fine. You do whatever you need to do." Tessa quickly says as Georgie nods and quickly leaves.


Alright Mira, be careful we don't know what we're heading into." Georgie told her approximately three minutes later as she walked into the VA hospital the head nurse, who knew Georgie well, just pointed to where the commotion was going on. "He's that way Georgie, we've been trying to get him to calm down but it isn't working and he won't let us get close enough to sedate him." The nurse says, filling Georgie in as Georgie nods, looking at Mira. "This is going to be a rough one." Mira just nods in agreement as they walk closer to the commotion. "Mira stay close." Georgie commanded as she didn't want her dog getting hurt or killed. Mira nods again, getting behind Georgie.

When Georgie came in she heard incoherent yelling that seemed to be in a language that Georgie didn't know. She saw her two co workers standing back bewildered. "Hey Lucas, Georgie says calmly, giving him a lot of distance. His head snapped towards her and he said, "You look like them." Georgie just sighs knowing where it was coming from as she had some South African blood in her. "I reassure you I'm not. You're not in the war anymore. You are in a VA hospital, you are safe." Georgie says as she keeps a keen eye on him as she didn't feel like getting hurt today. Especially since she had Tessa and Mal around she had no idea how she would explain how she got hurt to them if she did get hurt as they thought her job was easy, and she wanted them to keep thinking that way. It would be easier on all of them, but sadly that was not what happened. "All you are is a liar! You aren't going to trick me woman." The guy calls out, making Georgie regret coming here, and her choice of words to him, but she continues anyway although not sure what the outcome will be.

" It's me, Georgie, Georgie McCall. Mira and I come here often to visit you. We would never hurt you." Georgie says, but she can tell by the look in his eye he had no idea what he was doing as he was in a daze. That's when she noticed his movement, and that he was coming toward her. Georgie looked around for a minute, but there was no good place to go; she was stuck in there . So she just prepared herself for what she knew was coming, and unsurprisingly it happens. Because Georgie can feel his prosthetic hand connect with her face. She winces, but otherwise keeps her eyes on the guy. Her focus was one hundred percent on her work, but she did admit this was nerve wracking as this dude was at least a foot taller than she was and he was basically on top of her. "Lucas, you are not in war you are safe. Please listen! I know you're scared, but everything is fine. None of us will hurt you, we just want to help."

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