Hide And Seek Disaster

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Hey everyone I've been getting tons of request to do another Pumpkin, Diamond and Jade one shot so here it is.  Sorry it's a bit shorter I haven't did one of these one shot for a while so I was a little rusty anyway I hope you enjoy if you do vote and comment love y'all 💖

Did not proofread

It was a nice autumn day at Central Park where two dogs and a cat sat talking at the Balto statue. "Wait so your telling me you accidentally ruined Lola's house the first time she pup sat? I wish I could've seen that." Jade admitted to the two other animal, as Diamond chuckled, "Yeah that was absolutely hilarious, as much as it was confusing. Especially when that black dot started singing to us." Diamond says as Pumpkin nods. "I think Tyson called that black dot thing an Alexa." Jade barks out as Diamond rolls her eyes, "Well whatever it is it's weird."

"So Pumpkin have you seen Lola lately?" Jade asks changing the subject. The white dog nods, "Yeah she was actually supposed to be watching me today, but I ran off right when she came in the door." Pumpkin says making both street animals laugh. "Oh Pumpkin you know if you don't get back unscathed before Georgie gets home, I'm pretty sure Georgie will kill her." Diamond says as Pumpkin shook her head, "Georgie would never do that. Though I think I wouldn't be able to see her again for a long while. Which won't happen because I'm planning on being home in plenty of time." Pumpkin says as she looks at the sun. "Speaking of we still have a bit of time before I need to go home." How about a game of hide and seek?" Pumpkin asks excitedly, as both the pug and the tabby cat groan, but nod, "Fine, I'll seek first." Jade volunteers.

"Great count to twenty!" Pumpkin says starting to run off as Diamond looks to Jade. "I'm going to stay with ya, I don't play kiddy games." Diamond says as Jade smirks, "That's fine with me, but why don't you play kit--ty games?" Jade jokes as Diamond snickers, "Haha very funny Jade." Diamond says as Jade starts to count.

After counting the two animals started looking for Pumpkin. "That's strange we haven't found Pumpkin yet I hope she didn't get lost again." Jade started as Diamond nods, "Yeah or dognapped." Diamond says as Pumpkin had gotten dognapped once and in trouble, way to many times to count.

Jade and Diamond look everywhere for their friend and smell everywhere for her as well. Not even picking up her scent. "Well that's not good. I haven't even caught her scent." Diamond says. "Yeah I know me neither I think it's time we gave up." Jade admitted as it was getting late, and Pumpkin would need to go home soon. "Pumpkin we give up you can come out now!!!" Jade barks out as they hear Pumpkin bark back. "I don't think I can. I need some help." Pumpkin says a bit panicked making both the dog and the cat start running to where Pumpkin had barked for their assistance.

"Pumpkin what in the heck did you get yourself in..." Diamond started, but that's when she noticed that Pumpkin was at the bottom of one of the steeper hills stuck smack in the middle of a thistle bush. "Should I even ask how you managed to do this?" Diamond asks snarkily, but also in disbelief. "Well I won!" Pumpkin says making the two others roll their eyes. "Diamond how in heck our we going to get Pumpkin out of this stuff? Without getting scratched." Jade asked, "I have no clue." Diamond says before she gets an idea, "Wait nevermind Jade let's find the least prickly part, and try to lift it off carefully." Diamond suggested, as Jade nods, "Great idea Diamond, but let me do the lifting, I need you to make sure Pumpkin's fur isn't caught up." Jade says as Diamond nods. Jade then looks for the barest part.

"Alright Dia in three, two, one." The pug barks before pulling on the branch. Diamond quickly went under and untangled some of Pumpkin's fur from the thistle's grasp, and slid back out. "Come on Pumpkin you're good, so let's go." Diamond says as Pumpkin nods getting out. "We're good Jade!" the cat calls to the pug who drops it with a sigh. "Thank the stars. That thing was hurting my teeth." Jade says looking to Pumpkin who was unscathed. "How in the heck did you get in there without getting scratched?" Jade question shrugged, "I don't know, but looking back at my plan on hiding. It wasn't a very good idea." Pumpkin admitted making the other two animals say in unison, "Ya think?!"

"Pumpkin none of your ideas are that good and always leads you to trouble. Now we should get you home. If I'm looking at the sun right Georgie could be home any minute." Diamond says as Pumpkin nods, "Oh snap you're right. Are you coming with me?" Pumpkin asks as Jade scoffed. "Of course we are, if we don't come who knows what could happen to you." Jade says making Pumpkin roll her eyes. "Don't roll your eyes at us leash dog she has a point. With you anything that's possible can happen. I bet even some impossible things could happen." Diamond says as she turns on her paws. "Now come on you two let's start the walk back." Diamond says as she starts walking. Jade quicky scrambling to catch up with her. Pumpkin following behind.

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