A Different Kind of Work

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A/N: hey everyone this story was requested by an anonymous requester for a pretty cool crossover between Manifest and A Cinderella story. Please tell me if you want more stories like these because I'm thinking about making a one shot book just for these crossover. Also if you enjoy vote and comment 💖

Did not proofread

"Miss Georgie do you remember that plane that disappeared like five years ago?"" Elena asked suddenly on a day out with just them and their pets. Georgie just looked at the girl confused, "Um yeah the ones presumed dead a year ago. How do you remember it you were like three when the plane originally disappeared. Georgie says as Elena chuckles, "Mom has been telling me about it. Do you think they'll ever find the remains?" Elena asks as Georgie sighs, "I have no idea I just know that I use to help the family of the passengers every once in awhile after they announced the death I believe that was the busiest time of our therapy career and we had literally just started back then." Georgie says making Elena chuckle, before Georgie gets a call. Speaking of one of the passengers family is calling me I need to take this.

"Can you put it on speaker!" Elena asks making Georgie roll her eyes, "Alright nosy but this is more then less confidential what she says you probably shouldn't repeat." Georgie says making Elena nod. Georgie then answered the phone, "Hey Olive what's up." Georgie asks the fifteen year old she knew pretty well since she and her mother came over often. "I'm guessing you haven't turned on the news. Listen it's hard to explain meet us at the airport and bring Pumpkin and Mira please." Olive says before hanging up. Leaving Georgie very confused. So she turned on the news seeing the headline, "Flight 828 passengers return unharmed." Making Georgie gape Elena I'm not the only one seeing this am I?" Georgie asks as the seven year old shook her head no

"No your not we better go. Shiloh!" Elena says as she calls her therapy dog as Georgie quickly grabbed the two therapy dog vests and putting them on her dogs. Alright let's go Elena. You know you're mom may hate me taking you though." Georgie says making Elena roll her eyes. "Georgie I'm a therapy dog handler this is just as much my job as it is yours." Elena says sternly making Georgie chuckle, "Alright then let's go."


At the airport they quickly saw Olive who came up and hugged Georgie, "Thank you so much for coming. I know it was really short notice but it means a lot." Olive says as Georgie nods, "It's fine I was off other then having to babysit I hope you don't mind the extra person." Georgie says as Olive smiles "Oh no I don't mind at all. Again I'm just glad you're here" Olive says as Grace comes up, "Oh hey Georgie, hey Pumpkin and Mira I'm guessing my daughter called you?" Grace asks as Georgie nods. "Yeah she did. But for food reason I see. Have you seen any of your family yet?" Georgie asks as Grace shook her head, "No they're in for questioning them. Georgie please tell me. Are Olive and I dreaming. I mean that plane disappeared five and a half years ago." Grace asks as Georgie just gave a reassuring smile.

"Miracles can happen Grace, this is real I don't know how the plane is back, but it is." Georgie says as she picks up the two dog who were about to be trampled by all the feet walking around here. That's when they all heard a man yell, "Grace!" making Grace run and hug who Georgie could only assume was her husband. Olive held back for a moment though as she saw her twin. And nudges Georgie. "Georgie, my brother Cal the one by my mom and my dad,... he doesn't look like he aged a day. Since he left... is that really my brother?" Olive asks Georgie who looked to her pups having no idea how to answer. "Um... there is only one way to know." Georgie says as Olive nods looking at Elena. Could you help me it may help if I have someone younger with me that has a dog. Cal loves dogs." Olive says as Elena nods looking to Georgie as Georgie nod.

"Go ahead Elena it just as much your job as it is mine I'll have my eyes on you the whole time I promise." Georgie says making Elena smile and nods following Olive. As Georgie looked around not believing her eyes. But having too because the last time she checked it was one in the afternoon.

It was a miracle everyone on that plane was alive but Georgie was pretty sure there was more to it. And how come everyone was still the same age. There were so many questions running through her head at this moment and she knew everyone would need to talk about this. Before she could think anymore though she saw Cal running off with Grace and Ben following behind. Georgie sighs. "I got him." Georgie says looking to Grace as she knew Ben probably wouldn't trust her, but she knew Grace would.

Grace just nods, "Alright Georgie I trust you." Grace says as Georgie nods and motions for Pumpkin and Mira to follow her as she walked over to where Cal had run. And getting down on her knees. "Ho Cal I'm Georgie and those are my therapy dogs Pumpkin and Mira. I'm a friend of your mom what's wrong why did you run off. " Georgie asks as Cal looks to her not trusting her. Which makes Georgie look to her pups telling them to do what they do best.

Both dogs nod looking at Cal. "Hey Cal I'm Pumpkin thats my sister Mira what's going on?" Pumpkin asked as Cal looked at pup before hugging them, "My sister is like five years older than me. What happened we we're only gone a few hours." Cal's says still hugging and almost choking the two dogs who look to Georgie for assistance. Georgie just helped in a laugh as the pups wiggled out of the hold. "We don't know what happened Cal, but we can tell you something there wasn't a day that went by that your mom and twin didn't miss you. They're still your family no matter what that won't change." Mira says as Cal looks to her "Are you sure?" Cal asks as both dogs nods, as Georgie smiles her dogs always did amazing job with children.

Cal slowly got up and look to the two pups one more time, "Alright pups I guess I better get back to my family Cal says slowly as Georgie sees Elena roll over to her with Shiloh on her lap with a groan. "Miss Georgie it looks like we got our work cut out for us..."

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