Meeting Tessa

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This is my first one shot in animals POV in quite a while so sorry if I am a little rusty.

Pumpkin sighs contently on the small couch that was in the space between the bed and the kitchen. If you could even call it a proper kitchen.

It has been a few months since the pup had found her wonderful owner; who lived in this beautiful place. That oddly always smells like makeup despite the fact that her owner rarely uses it when she is not working.

But home is home and it is much better than living out on the streets; especially when your owner was the best owner in the world.

It was one of Pumpkin's days off, and for her that just meant a boring day at home. Her heart was always with her owner. Ever since she got her therapy dog license her and Georgie were inseparable.

Pumpkin always enjoyed being near people. It had always reminded her that she was not alone, and helping them feel better or make their day; was what she lived for. Even though she could go without getting bathed everyday.

Pumpkin laid her head on her paw; before perking up again as she heard the door open. Pumpkin may not be able to read clock, but she knew the time and Georgie's work schedule like the back of her four paws. And Georgie should not be home yet.

Pumpkin quietly jumped down from her spot, and went over towards the door ducking behind the coat rack ready to attack if she had to, but hoping she would not have to do that.

The door opens, and Pumpkin sees someone who is vaguely familiar. She shook it off though and continued to watch the intruder carefully seeing what she was going to do next. To Pumpkin's surprise the intruder sat down on the couch.

Pumpkin did not know whether she should make her presence known, or not. She could sense that the stranger was kind, but this could all be a trick. Pumpkin decided to stay hidden for the time being.

Pumpkin still watched the intruder intently trying to figure out what she was doing. There was nothing valuable in this small apartment. In fact her and Georgie barely lived in it. Since they were almost always working, or enjoying a day at the park.

Pumpkin's ears prick slightly when she heard the intruder's cellphone ring. She listened in trying to figure out what the words meant.

"Hey Georgie just calling to say I got here safely, at least I think I did you said room 96 right?" The stranger asked making Pumpkin cock her head even more confused this stranger knew her owner?

The voice on the other line chuckled, "Yep you got the right room. How did Pumpkin react to you. I totally forgot to tell her we had a visitor coming." The other voice that Pumpkin identified as Georgie said

The stranger looked around the room, "I thought Pumpkin was with you. I have not seen her in here at all."
Pumpkin then comes out knowing that if Georgie was talking to this person then it was alright for her to come out, and not attack.

Pumpkin came closer to Tessa who noticed, and told Georgie, "Nevermind there she is." Georgie smiled as she sees her pup.

"Hey Diva dog why were you hiding from Tessa?" Pumpkin heard her owner ask. As Pumpkin finally remembered why Tessa looked so familiar.

Georgie literally video chatted Tessa every night since Georgie had brought Pumpkin home. In fact Georgie was talking to Tessa when she had found Pumpkin. Why did it take her so long to remember?

Pumpkin just gives a simple bark to her owner before cocking her head as if asking, "I don't know, but why is she here?"

Georgie chuckled at the pup's reaction before answering what Pumpkin was thinking, "Oh her plane got snowed in, so I offered for her to stay at our place for tonight." The pup heard Georgie tell her as she just nods

Pumpkin could feel Tessa looking at her. So she turned around and looked at Tessa confused. The dog once again cocked her head and turned back to Georgie as if asking, "Why is she staring at me like that?"

"Tessa stop staring at my pooch you are freaking her out." Pumpkin heard Georgie say to Tessa with a laugh. And Pumpkin immediately felt the eyes snap off of her making the pup sigh in relief.

Pumpkin wagged her tail at Georgie in thanks before looking at the clock on the top of Tessa's smartphone.
Before looking over to Georgie again.

Pumpkin saw Georgie smile at her, and says, "Your welcome Kin, and I will be home soon Pumpkin I promise. I got to go guys I will be home later " Georgie told Pumpkin and Tessa who nodded and turned back to Tessa as the phone call ended.

Pumpkin inspected Tessa before jumping down from the couch and grabbing the television changer in her mouth as she started hitting the buttons with her paws stopping when she got to the news channel. She then went over to the bed and jumped on it before lying down eyes still not leaving Tessa, as this was still Pumpkin's house, and she was going to show Tessa that she was the boss around here when Georgie was not home.

Tessa seems to get the message as she looks at Pumpkin rolling her eyes playfully at the pup. "Georgie is right about you. You are most definitely a Diva Dog." Pumpkin heard Tessa tell her, and Pumpkin just decided to ignore her until Georgie got home.

Okay this was really fun to write. Thank you for whoever requested one where Tessa and Pumpkin meet.  (I really need to figure out a way to remember all the usernames that send me requests lol) anyways I hoped everyone enjoyed if you did vote and comment.

And make sure to save this to your library the next one shot is hilarious and you do not want to miss it.

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