Day 40: The Red Mist Emerges(pt.2)

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(I tried to slip phase 2 & 3 together in one chapter but I realized that it would take a goddamn eternity so the Red Mist fight will be in 4 parts)

Finally breaking through the first phase of this long and hardous ordeal, Y/N's gaze was fixated on the lone enemy in the room, clearly frustrated about her current defeat. Her body slumping over slightly, the sound of machines at work echoed loudly within the department, the Sephirah coming back to life with her strength renewed. With no hesitation, her previous weapons vanished from her hands and instead took the shape of the E.G.O weapon that the man was holding.

Nothing There: Goodbye.

Sensing an opportunity, the Aleph abnormality turned one of its hands into a large scythe before performing a diagonal slash, leaving a powerful hit on the rogue AI. However, that was far from enough for her to stop, creating yet another portal before disappearing into it. Gone from the room, Red swiftly turned her gaze and changed her posture, already aware of where she was going, call it a hunter's instinct.

Red: You're not getting away that easily.

Running past the group, the door closed behind her, leaving Hava, the Queen of Hatred, Nothing There and the captain of the Central Command team in the previous department where the goal of their day was. With no target to focus on, the rampaging monster turned its gaze to the employees, already going for a quick attack. Taken aback, the man blocked the blow with his borrowed gloves and gritted his teeth, barely able to brush off the assault.

Hava: *Whistle* Over here!

Signaling the man where to escape to, she approached the situation and effortlessly swung her black scythe meticulously, her hair moving along with her abrupt movements. Attacked by something out of its sight, the entity turned around and retaliated with another hit, hit that she dodged. Now free from its pursuer temporarely, the captain turned its attention to the door Red ran out of and decided to follow her footsteps, followed by a surprised magical girl.

Then, a sharp pain came from his back, his nerves burning him alive almost. Under the shock of agony, he could barely mutter the incoherent mumbles that his brain would have liked to say to compensate for the horrible experience. Dropping down to his knees, he looked back and saw Nothing There with one of its arms extended, the culprit behind the mysterious attack.

QoH: ...A new vilain has emerged, one that could have been our ally.

Tightly holding onto her staff with a deadly glare, her eyes pierced the abnormality that was much stronger than her, not caring anymore about the main boss they were confronting. With solidified will, she began releasing a barrage of stars at the abomination which harmed her assistant. Simply shrugging off the damages done to it, Nothing There resumed its battle against Hava before a loud scream echoed in the whole facility.

The monk escaped its containment zone.

QoH: Y/N, stay still!

Hurrying to his side, she leaned closer and inspected the wound and to her surprise, his skin was completely fine, only leaving a red mark where he was hit by the ranged attack. His suit appropriate against this type of attack, he came out of the encounter with only his nerves screaming in pain. Nonetheless, she arbored a focused expression and began chanting words under her breath while the employee moved to a sitting position, taking out his radio.

Y/N: The Red Mist has escaped the department, is anyone there?!

Loudly exclaiming into the device, he could feel his bruise growing weaker thanks to the magical girl's aid. Soon after asking that question, the familiar voice of the girl who stood by his side came out.

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