Day 46: Fixers, Claws & The Face of a Sweet Devil

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(Oh boy, this is it, the final hurdle and then the story is over.)

-Don't look away, just keep your eyes on it. Contain it in your sight.

-It's a good day today! Are you still shy today?

Feeling as if floating in the dark void of space, a sensation of dread filled my body as if fearing what would happen next. No, it wouldn't be accurate to call it "fear" but more like "experience", my body instinctively preparing itself for what would come next but the question is why? Why was I left in such a state? To that, I had no answers, only time would tell. Feeling the firmness of the floor below my feet, I heaved a sigh of relief and opened my eyes to face what would come next.

What was that "next"? My current self would simply shrug his shoulders in confusion at that question but my mind seemed to say otherwise. I must have gone through this point quite a lot of times in order to expect this even with the lack of my memories.

...Standing still, my gaze was fixated in the distance, the lights slowly piercing through the darkness surrounding me like a cage. On the other side of that blinding light, I was met by a facility that seemed familiar but nothing else past that.

Y/N: ...

The moment I tried to ask myself what was going on, my own mind simply responded with a mere "just wait a moment", not in the literal sense of course, I haven't fallen THAT deep into insanity but it was a hunch. Something was telling me that this silence would quickly be disrupted by something.

Like a seer, this hunch of mine came true when the echo of footsteps made its way to me. Although the sound seemed to come at a regular interval, one with keen sense would be able to sense a certain excitement in them.

Turning around to face the unexpected individual, the first thing that caught my attention was the lab coat that they seemed to be wearing. Moving on from that, my eyes slowly went up, scanning the clothes underneath said lab coat all the way up to a red hairclip.

???: Y/N, it's been a while since we last saw each other.

Mh, before I could let a word out, she took the opportunity to land her first strike, calling my name. My mind out of place, I responded with a certain nonchalance.

Y/N: I suppose, [ - ].

What was her name again? No matter how many times I tried to focus, I could never seem to get the answer, even though I knew that it was at the tip of my tongue. Feeling a headache slowly forming, I groaned to myself.

I suppose the name isn't that important right now, I could ask it later.

???: Though I had a feeling that you would come back- No, I knew that you would come back, that would be more precise.

Y/N: What is this place?

Ignoring her words, I forcefully took control of the conversation, knowing that nothing would change if I didn't. Looking around myself, we were the only people inside the room. This is odd, why is nobody here? I would assume that a place like this would be filled with employees walking around but it was devoid of life.

???: Hm? You don't remember?

I shook my head, was I supposed to remember this place?

???: ...

Lowering her eyebrows slightly at my response, she quickly regained her composure and gave me a warm smile, as if remembering something. Stepping closer, she placed one of her hands on the sleeve of my uniform.

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