Day 15: Soon, a New Department

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Malkuth: Where is the manager Angela?

The 3 of them looked around but the manager was nowhere to be seen. Angela remained neutral and casually responded with her closed eyes.

Angela: The manager is currently busy, we should not disturb his work.

Yesod: Can we start the reunion now?

Hod: I have some files to complete quickly.

They all took a seat and looked at each other, especially Malkuth and Hod glaring at each other while Yesod was looking at the both of them with an annoyed look.

Malkuth: So? How is your time with Y/N?

Hod: He's nice, I'm glad to have met him.

Malkuth: I'm sure you are, especially after you stole him from me!

Hod: The manager assigned him in my department, you can't use that against me.

While the 2 girls were going at each other, Angela was glaring at them with hatred. Listening them talking about Y/N was pissing her off, more than anything else.

Angela: Could the 2 of you stop bickering for 2 minutes, a reunion is not a moment to yell at each other, it's for discussion.

Malkuth: Then why don't we discuss about the fact that Y/N should be in MY department.

Hod: Y/N likes being in the Training team, you can't force him to change department!

Angela: ...

Yesod: Malkuth, Hod, now isn't the time.

Malkuth&Hod: This doesn't concern you Yesod!

Angela was slowly losing her patience, slowly yet still too fast. The very thought of them fighting over something that doesn't belong to them was annoying her.



Y/N: You still have your lipstick applied on your lips.

Alter Ego: I tried washing it but it doesn't come off.

Y/N: It makes you look more cute that way, don't worry.

I tapped her head and she blushed before hiding her face from embarrassment.

Alter Ego: I wish I didn't have that, I don't like makeup.

Y/N: Don't worry about it, it goes well on you.

Alter Ego: ...If you say so.

I walked to bed, went inside and closed my eyes before going to sleep.



Y/N: New department opening soon.

Alter Ego: I want to be changed there.

Y/N: I'll wait for now in case the manager needs me in the Training team longer.

Alter Ego: If you say so but I would recommend you to change department in order to see new things.

Y/N: I'm aware but thank you.

She smiled before walking away. I did the same and entered the Training department, scared to see Hod's reaction about the new department that will open soon.

Y/N: ...

I walked inside the main room and saw Daniel sleeping next to a table and Hod holding her head with her both hands.

Y/N: Hey, is everything alright?

Hod: Y-Y/N.

She jumped out of her seat and forced a smile on her face.

Hod: How long have you been here?

Y/N: Just a few seconds... why?

Hod: Nothing, nothing important.

She looked around and spoke up quickly.

Hod: Tell me you aren't leaving the Training team, right?

She was clearly stressed about that question, something I was afraid that would happen.

Y/N: Don't worry, unless the manager says otherwise, I'm not leaving.

Hod: *Sigh* Thank you, I don't know what I would do without you.

Y/N: That's... quite bad actually. What would happen if I had to leave the Training team?

Hod: I...

Y/N: You need to be capable of handling your own department. You are a Sephirah, you have to show the others how to do their job correctly.

Hod: I don't need to worry about that if you never leave.

She smiled at me but it was more creepy than last time, giving me shivers. I stepped away from her and she noticed that since she took a step forward.

Hod: What's the matter Y/N?

Y/N: N-Nothing-


Y/N: My assignment! See ya later Hod!

I almost sprinted out of the room and took a pause before actually going to where I was supposed to go. I reached the door and I entered after making sure I was ready to work.

Y/N: ...

I looked at the monster called "Nothing There" and started writing my notes until I got bored and threw my pen at it. It fell right next to it, not making it react at all.

Y/N: Here, have some crosswords.

I tossed it a page of crosswords and saw it taking the pen into it's main mouth to write on the page.

Y/N: Wait, that wasn't supposed to happen.

I looked at the abnormality actually trying to solve the crossword but failing miserably since it was having a hard time writing the answers.

Y/N: ...

Intercom: 33 PE boxes successfully produced.

Y/N: Wait what? I didn't even do anything.

I looked back to Nothing There and saw that it was still trying to write the answers. I left the room quietly as to not disturb it and walked back to the main room.

Daniel: Oh Y/N, having a good day so far?

Y/N: ...Not really if I have to be honest.

Daniel: Yea, me neither, Hod is acting unusual and it's starting to affect my working performances.

Y/N: I can see that.

I said that while pointing the report next to him that he didn't even started. He sighed and dropped his pencil on the table before looking at me.

Daniel: She's getting more and more hysterical for some reason...

Y/N: Maybe it's because of the new department, she even asked me if I was gonna leave the Training team.

Daniel: ...I need to take a break but her forced counselings aren't helping.

Intercom: Warning! Unknown entities detected inside the facility!

Y/N: ...Not again.

We both ran out our separate ways and I saw the robots once more roaming around the hallways.

Y/N: ...They never learn their lesson.

I raised my gun and shot them down one by one. Once they were all dealt with, I walked back to the main room and heard the intercom telling us that the shift was over.

Daniel: I'm gonna request to be moved to another department, I can't take her behaviour anymore.

Y/N: ...

I watched him walk away and I sighed to myself.

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