Day 35: Gebura's Day

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I couldn't find her unfortunately, Hod told me that she left to go take a break and that I should talk to her tomorrow if I wished to tell her something. I nodded silently and left, stopped soon after by her soft voice.

Hod: Y/N, be careful, Gebura seemed to be in a bad mood. I don't want you to get hurt because of her temper.

Y/N: I won't, I promise.



With a new day starting, the first thing I do is run to the Disciplinary department, ready to face the Sephirah. My goal was clear and everything depended on my action, I couldn't allow to mess it up. Entering the main room, I stopped myself and took a deep breath, the stress getting to me.

Y/N's mind: Come on Y/N, you both know each other, shouldn't be that hard to talk with her.

Gebura: Y/N? What are you doing here?

Y/N: Eep!

I jumped in fear before turning around, seeing her standing right behind me with a tough expression. Calming myself, I looked into her eyes and spoke up.

Y/N: I want to apologize for yesterday, I simply felt like I was doing the right thing.

Gebura: What the hell are you talking about?

Y/N: I mean... Tiphereth and all that. Look, I just wanted to say that I didn't want to anger you, I just didn't want to see Tiphereth alone.

She frowned a bit. Crap, I was already failing to do my goal. She took a step closer and I could feel her murderous aura, she could pulverize me at any moment.

Gebura: You don't understand that you're not helping her by doing this. Don't you know what will happen?

Y/N: Yes... my memories will disappear. Even so-

Gebura: You'll only hurt her more if you keep insisting. You should have stopped instead of doing this.

Y/N: ...

The employees were starting to enter the department and saw the debate that we were both having. Of course, I didn't want to completely agree with her, I should be allowed to care for someone if I want to after all.

Y/N: Look, I'm sorry if it's pissing you off, I don't want to see her cry.

Gebura: She will once everything between you will be gone, you know that damn well!

Y/N: ...

Her sudden change of tone made me take a step back, my body warning me that I was starting to go too far. Seeing me back away from her, she sighed and placed a new cigarette in her mouth, the tip of it lit up.

Gebura: All I'm saying is that there's no point associating yourself with them, you're only harming them.

Y/N: Then... you're telling me to just give up and stop caring?

Gebura: The only reason why you're thinking about that is that you're emotions are pulling you like a puppet, we wouldn't have that discussion if it wasn't the case.

Y/N: What about the times we trained together, was that nothing to you? I entrusted you with my feelings of wanting to become stronger, did you discard those feelings simply for that reasoning?

I asked with lowered eyes, my left hand placed where my heart was. The suit still felt warm and gave me the courage to speak to her, it was supporting me like Alter Ego did numerous times, it was the same feeling.

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