Day 41: Preparing for A Certain Arbiter

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-The day a ripe apple fell off the tree in the garden where the princess and the king stood, the witch's heart shattered.

Y/N: ...

Just like yesterday never happened, I was greeted with the usual rooms, cleaned of all stains that were spread after yesterday's carnage. Standing in the Central Command department, every marks left behind were nothing more than echoes of the past, along with the victims. Completely forgotten, I was left bewildered.

Pressed against my back, the pink rifle that was repaired just for me was the only thing anchoring me to reality. Everything felt like a bad dream that I shouldn't be having. Lightly pressing my hand against my forehead, I sat down and took a deep breath.

BongBong: Bong?

Seeing me arriving, the girl with blue hair trotted her way over to me with her usual expression. Greeting her back with a quick smile, I didn't have much force going for me. Of course, it was rather obvious that I wouldn't be able to sleep after seeing this massacre, everything too recent for me to ignore.

When I woke up, I was surprised to see that Alter Ego wasn't present but I simply assumed she went to work early and left it at that. Thankfully, I did ask some of the employees in the Security team and got the confirmation from them that it was indeed the case. I wouldn't want a repeat of what happened in the first couple of days.

Y/N: At least this should be a more... No, I'm not even gonna bother saying it, we all know this place doesn't allow rest.

Leaning further into my seat, I heaved a deep sigh while the girl with about the same behaviour as a dog tilted her head to the side.

BongBong: ...

The day beginning, I could feel my fatigue slowly but surely diminishing in the air. The humming of the lights above my head alongside the echoes of the footsteps coming from nearby employees allowed me to return to the usual work attitude, even though my mind would still sometimes flash images of yesterday.

There was nothing I could do now that the deed was done, we managed to defeat the Red Mist at the cost of many employees, so many in fact that I was surprised that the hands of time have not rewinded. The one pulling the string must have considered the outcome as acceptable, which was a rather horrible thing to think about.

Y/N's mind: ...To think that it's not even the worst, this place sucks.

Yet, we were all trapped inside for what felt like centuries, forced to work on monsters that were also part of this machination. Although they were as clueless as us, the fact remained that we were at the bottom of the food chain here.


Y/N: ?

Turning my head around after hearing the familiar noise, I noticed my name demanded not for a work but rather be positioned elsewhere. Too strained to even think about the reason, I stood up and stretched myself before making my way down to the lower floors. Silently reaching my destination, I could feel the air around the department changing dramatically compared to the rest of the facility.

It was heavy with a sense of solitude and even something close to despearation. Clocks floating everywhere, it was like reality was distorted beyond repair, nothing like the regular offices on the upper level. With only a few clerks roaming around, I spotted a man in the back watching me enter the main room.

 With only a few clerks roaming around, I spotted a man in the back watching me enter the main room

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