Day 25: Something Seems Hod

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???: Hey Y/N.

I raised my eyes and slowly turned my head before smiling at the person in front of me...


???: I want to show you something.

Y/N: I would follow you but I have to finish this first, I don't want to get in trouble because of it.

I said that calmly and returned my attention to my work, I needed to complete it. As I continued to write, I then saw hands briefly in my vision and then everything turned dark.

Y/N: *Sigh* You won't let me finish right?

???: Nope.

Y/N: Fine, I guess I could see what you are talking about.

She removed her hands from my eyes and I turned around to give her a smile.

Y/N: Where are we going?

???: Somewhere I like to go when I'm too stressed.

Y/N: Lead the way.



Y/N's mind: Why do I feel like a piece of shit all of the sudden?

Not in the term of being an asshole but more in the term of of being a bag of trash, something in bad condition.

Alter Ego: Hey Y/N, are you feeling all right?

Y/N: Mostly... but I'll be able to work.

The girl beside me gave me a worried look when I told her that, probably scared of seeing me fainting in the middle of the shift. I gave her a smile and I saw all her worries in her eyes vanish and a smile appeared on her face.

Alter Ego: If you say that you can work then I'll believe you.

We both parted ways and I made my way to the Central Command team where I saw more employees minding their own business. I did the same, waiting for the day to start but when it did, the lights started blinking for a moment.

Employee: What was that?

Y/N: Are we running out of power?

...And once more, the music of hell started, making all of us look at each other in fear. Each time this alarm started playing, something would go to shit so it probably won't be different than before.

Y/N: Everyone, stay calm, if we continue our work then nothing will happen, we need to keep working.

I quickly organized the whole department since Tiphereth was nowhere to be seen once more, is she slacking off too? I thought she hated Netzach because he was slacking off but now she's doing the same.

???: Now everyone watch carefully how to deal with abnormalities, we wouldn't want to cause an incident right?

Y/N: Huh?

I looked around and heard Hod's voice echoing in the facility before feeling extremely tired. Then, I started moving on my own and entered La Luna's containment room against my will before starting to write some observations.


Hod: Remember to take as much notes as possible for the future employees going in the abnormality's containment room.

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