Day 40: The Red Mist Emerges(pt.4)

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Swinging down the unsealed blade to the lovers, the Sephirah kept her focus solely on the one who caused this mess, the one responsible for everything that happened today. To that, he could not keep up, sensing bloodlust emanating from her body.

Y/N: ...

With nothing but mere gloves to defend himself against the blade of the apocalypse, his suit was also not appropriate to face that weapon. A bead of sweat falling down his expression, chills ran through his spine and adrenaline pumped itself into his system, making his body feel lighter than it should.

Alter Ego: We have to be close to victory, there's no way she can continue at this rate for so long!

In the distance, the battles between abnormalities and employees ensued, one side overwhelmed by the sudden visit of the bird of apocalypse, turning the facility into nothing more than its playground. However, it didn't matter much for the duo, who were focused intently on the woman who would end the day once she exhaled her last artificial breath. They both were aware of the struggle that will come from trying to strike her down, yet had no choice but to do so.

Gebura: I'm not done yet, I'll crush everything in my way.

Y/N: ...

Gritted teeth, he held his fists high and took the first step, charging at the fallen Fixer with desperation, not deluding himself into thinking he had a chance to defeat her on his own. Rushing closer, he noticed one of her arms retracting behind her, a familiar golden glove appearing out of thin air.

Gebura: Gold Rush, open the path.

Y/N: Cra-!

Finally understanding that he placed himself into a trap, he slammed one of his feet down and slowed down in order to make a quick dodge to the side. Witnessing that feeble attempt to escape, the AI charged into his body and slammed the end of the golden E.G.O into his ribcage. The blow was so powerful that he was left with no air to scream the pain he experienced.

Gebura: You're not going anywhere, I'll drag you down to your defeat.

Alter Ego: Y/N!

While a portal forming around one of the exits, the captain of the Security team called out the trapped employee and brandished her own version of the sword formed from one of the birds. Then, she took a rapid step and tossed the precious weapon in his direction.

Opening one of his hands, he reached for the Pale blade and with a satisfying sound, he could feel the handle in the palm of his glove. At that moment, the portal was completed and Gebura wasn't playing around, not like she was from the start.

Alter Ego: I'll catch up to you later!

Y/N: Wha-?

He wanted to ask what she was talking about but his time was cut short once the one pining him to the powered up version of the E.G.O he borrowed launched the object inside the portal, taking him with it. All around him, the sight of many hallways of the facility flashed briefly before his eyes but the most terrifying part was seeing the thing following him through that experience.

Running at a speed equal to his own, the woman taken over with wrath chased after him through the whole place with her sword dragged behind her, cutting down anything blocking her path. The oxygen slowly slipping out of him, his eyes grew weak until his final destination arrived, back in the Central Command department.

However, the greeting he received was far from comfortable. Once freed from the amber fist, his body fell down on the floor and dragged itself across the whole room like a piece of garbage thrown at full speed, the momentum carrying him. Towards the end, he performed a quick bounce and fell straight on his side, groaning in pain.

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