Day 40: The Red Mist Emerges(pt.3)

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Facing those who defied her until now, the mask covering her face was breaking into pieces. Ignoring that clear sign of degradation, the woman in crimson extended her arms and out of thin air, manifested a black hammer with many faces on it along with a large mouth while her second hand took hold of a bandaged sword that Alter Ego was already holding. Ready to fight once more, she charged at Nothing There at full speed, not ignoring the most dangerous person in the room.

Nothing There: Hello!

Expecting her sudden charge, the creature kneeled down and released a projectile from its hand, going through her body at a fast speed before crashing into the wall behind. However, it did not stop the Sephirah, who swung down the hammer that she was carrying. Upon striking the floor, the newly created E.G.O weapon released a wave of... rather grotesque matter all around it and keeping the abnormality stuck in place, trapped in the brownish substance created from the large mouth on it. Shrugging off the lock placed onto it, the abnormality casually fought back like usual with its mace. Not minding the hits received, the Red Mist then prepared a second swing and caused the whole room to vibrate in fright after the sound of the hammer landing on the floor echoed, a shockwave of terror spreading around the landing point.

Following with rapid slashes, she was not intending to let the thing who defeated her twice as of now get her a third time. Keeping her hammer down in order to maintain the sludge around the Aleph's feet, she reached behind herself and formed a spear that she prepared to launch. However, the loud sound of someone clashing with it snapped her out of her trance. Looking behind herself, she witnessed Y/N kicking the E.G.O away, a stern expression held even though he was nothing more than an agonizing mess a few minutes ago.

All agents seemed to have found a common solution if they wanted to survive: keep the humanoid beast alive for as long as possible. With that in mind, All of them equipped with melee weapons charged ahead, Alter Ego chopping off the bits of filth keeping the abnormality stuck in place while Hava stood in between it and the AI, her smile reflecting in the red light coming through the cracks of her mask. Coming back from that small shock, she performed a full spin and kicked the man in the stomach, only to be met with the magical girl forming a barrier with her magic, bouncing off her attack.

QoH: We can do this everyone, for the sake of justice!

Gebura: Judgement.

Readying her second weapon a second time, she formed a perfectly horizontal cut in the air, releasing a wave of pale energy ahead of herself. Hava, the one standing at the front, widened her eyes slightly, knowing that her suit was weak against that type of damage. Ducking under it, the second girl beside Nothing There blocked the hit with her body and groaned to herself before doing a quick 180 and breaking apart the last bit chaining the monster down. Free at last, it released a dominating scream and jumped at the woman with long red hair, one of its arms shifting into a spear.

Countering the assault, she turned her back to the man being protected by the Queen of Hatred. Tightening his fists, he raised one and launched a singular blow at the back of her head. He needed to take advantage of the situation while she was busy and with a loud yell, he ordered the remaining clerks to keep shooting. Forming a line along with BongBong and Daniel, they soon did so and the sounds of gunfires resonated like a melody that one would hear in a nightmare, which wouldn't be far from the truth inside this facility.

Daniel: She isn't reacting to our attacks.

Hava: Keep going, we'll get her eventually!

Sliding away, she suddenly used her right leg, which was resting on top of her left one during her slide on the floor, to brake and then jumped back onto her feet after a small spin in the air. Landing down, her hair flew all around her, briefly revealing the eye hidden behind the hair going down a side of her face. A glance given to the enemy that they were confronting, she adjusted her white gloves and finally stepped back into the circle of death around the duo currently battling.

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