Day 26.5: The Hour of Truth

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Y/N: Are you feeling like something is watching you?

I glanced over my shoulder in a worry but nobody was following us and it's driving me insane, I knew that a person was observing us but I couldn't see who it was.

Alter Ego: I feel it too but we'll never find who's watching us so we should hurry.

We both entered my room and I locked the door before sitting on my bed, tired of today's shift. Alter Ego sat next to me and then a knocking could be heard, making the both of us look at the door.

Alter Ego: ...I'll go check.

She grabbed her weapon and opened the door before sighing. She then stepped aside and I saw Hava entering with her usual smile and her red eye not covered by her hair staring at me.

Y/N: Oh hey, what are you doing here?

Hava: I'm here to rearrange your brain a little, it seems like you're missing some pieces and I'm here to solve this problem.

Y/N: ...I don't really understand what you're saying-

Hava: You will soon, barricade the door Alter Ego.

She nodded and started dragging furnitures against the door, making sure that it wouldn't open for anything in the world. I felt some sweats forming on my face as I watched her do so and I didn't know if I should be worried about it.

Hava: Scared? Don't worry, it's not for you, Angela will probably try to interfere and it would be a shame to be forced to stop because of her.

Y/N: Why would she-

Hava: You'll understand later, now let's begin the flash memory session.

The girl that I knew gave me a warm smile and saw down with me, grabbing my hand gently with a kind look in her eyes. Meanwhile, Hava took out a monocle and placed it behind her hair hiding one of her eyes.

Hava: We'll go easy on you at first, do you know what happened 11 673 years ago?

Y/N: How am I supposed to know that?

Hava: Simple, you were here, in this facility, we're all trapped in this place until the end of time.

Y/N: What?

Hava: The ones called "Sephirah" are aware of how long we've been stuck here but they wouldn't tell you that information.

Y/N: ...

I nodded and then remembered the feeling of deja vu that I had with Tiphereth, was it a previous memory? I decided to continue listening and I then heard another knocking at the door, instantly giving me shivers.

Angela: Y/N, I know that you are in your room, open the door.

Hava: Sorry rusty junk but we're here for a therapy and we're not leaving for anything else in the world.

She then turned back her attention to me and with a smile, she continued her questions.

Hava: Do you remember Elijah? Kali? Giovanni? Gabriel?

I shook my head, none of these names brought me some memories.

Hava: Garrion? Surely, you must remember Garrion for what she did to you.

Y/N: What did she do?

Hava: ...Should I tell him?

She asked that to Alter Ego and I saw a depressed look in her eyes but she nodded in silence while holding me thightly, like I would vanish if she stopped.

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