Day 28: Fear & Depression(pt.2)

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Y/N: Alter Ego, please go rest for now.

Alter Ego: Huh-

Y/N: I don't want you to pass out in this state, go back to your department and tell the others what happened, surely they'll understand.

She weakly nodded and walked out of the room, dragging her feet across the floor like a zombie. Once fully gone from my sight, I turned around and let out a sigh of relief.

Y/N's mind: Time to finish this day quickly.

I ran to my department and then saw employees still adjusting to the sudden alarm. I took a peek at the screens on the walls, checking if there was anything worth checking but my investigation was stopped short when a work order was given to me.

Y/N: Now of all time...

I dragged myself to the location that I was supposed to go to and unlocked the door before entering. I took out my notepad and observed the abnormality.

 I took out my notepad and observed the abnormality

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Y/N: That's a weird robot.

I left that comment float in the air and then started writing down my observations calmly, not bothered by it. I took some glances sometimes but except that, nothing major happened until I was about to step outside of the containment unit.

???: Hello, I am your friendly helper robot, how can I help you?

Y/N: Huh?

I turned around and watched the robot staring at me, not moving at all. I looked around and then pointed my face with my finger.

Y/N: You're talking to me?

???: Yes.

Y/N: ...Nothing for now, maybe your name?

???: I am Helper robot, manufactured by company X for your every needs.

Y/N: Everything? Well, I don't need anything right now so I'll pass.

I left the room and the door closed behind me, making me question about what happened for a moment. Deciding that it wasn't that important, I returned to my room and then sat down, waiting for my next assignment.


...And there it is, already telling me to move my ass from my seat. I jumped back on my feet and walked to my assigned room and recognized Queen of Hatred's room. I entered and saw her waving at me with a wide smile.

Y/N: ...Hi.

Not interested for a conversation right now, I simply started writing down some informations while ignoring her. She noticed that and took the notepad away from me, forcing my eyes to move to her.

Y/N: Is there a problem?

QoH: A problem? A problem?!

She repeated her words with a more threatening voice before turning the pile of information in her hand into ashes. She then grabbed the end of my collar and glared at me.

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