Day 4: Ashes

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-I am coming to you. You, who will be reduced to ashes like me.

The first thing my mind was able to formulate as a I woke up was a deep sense of unease. The reason? Not a clue, it was somply something in the back of my head, telling that something was wrong.

I slowly rose from my bed and looked around. Nothing seemed to be inside with me so I could probably say with confidence that I wasn't about to get murdered in the early hours.

Y/N: ...I got a bad feeling about all of this.

I walked outside of my room but Alter Ego wasn't there. I tried to knock on her door to see if she was asleep but I got no response. After realizing that she probably wasn't in there, I walked away to my designated area and waited for my first order.


I looked at the monitor and it said that I had to go check on another new abnormality. I rolled my eyes at what I saw and stood up before slowly making my way to where I was supposed to go. I reached a staircase and went down a level before finally accessing the room I needed to go to.

Y/N: *Sigh* This is gonna be fine.

I entered the room and my eyes quickly saw what I was supposed to take care of.

I entered the room and my eyes quickly saw what I was supposed to take care of

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Y/N: ...Hello?

???: *Sob*

It sounded like a little girl crying. I tried my best to ignore it and opened my notepad to take my observations on it. The first thing I noted was that the heat was way too unbearable, I could hardly breath.

Y/N: *Cough* I'm gona need a drink after that.

I started writing what I could see and carefully looked at the girl in front of me, at least that's I think it is. I could feel my head spinning and I fell on the ground from the heat.

Y/N: ...My head.

The timer beeped and I hurried out of the room, needless to say that it didn't go too well.

Y/N: Shit, I'm not going in there!

I left the spot near the door and walked to the main room, sweats covering my face almost like I was in the middle of summer. I layed on the floor and stayed like this for a while until someone found me there.

Employee: ...What are you doing?

Y/N: ...Shut up, I'm living my life!

Employee: It doesn't make any sense-

Y/N: I said shut up!

I dropped my head back on the cold and refreshing floor and remained there for what felt 5 minutes before I heard another voice near me.

Malkuth: Slacking off on the job?

Y/N: *Mumble* Not you...

Malkuth: Did you said something?

Y/N: Nothing at all, let me die on this floor in peace.

Employee: Sephirah! Punishing bird has escaped it's containment!

Malkuth: ...

Y/N: ...

I left the ground and grabbed my weapon before taking a look at the hallway next to me. I saw the bird flying around, pecking one guy until it spotted me. It slowly flew towards me and I stepped back to stay as far as I could from the bird. It tried to attack me but I ducked under it and ran back back into a room, not even checking which one it was.

Y/N: ...

I turned around and saw once again that girl looking at me while sobbing.

Y/N: Might as well do this while I'm here...

I took out some tissues from my pocket and started cleaning the ashes on the ground. I still kept one of my eyes on her and casually continued my self-given task. After a while, the timer told me to leave the room and I did so. After a few steps outside, I realized that I could still hear the sobbings behind me. I turned around and saw the abnormality slowly walking towards me. I grabbed my radio and called the main departement.

Y/N: This is an ememgency, F-01-02 is roaming in the facility!

Malkuth: I'm sending a suppression team, stay away from it.

I turned off the radio and kept my distance from her while she was still trying to get closer. I ran to the staircase and hurried myself to go to the upper level, meeting the suppression team on the way up.

Y/N: She's down there, be careful.

They simply nodded and ran down the stairs and I could faintly hear them hitting her. I waited in the main and saw some people taking out their guns, ready to open fire. I held my cross tightly and saw the girl coming out of the stairs, slowly coming at me.

Y/N: Stay back.

She didn't stopped and I could still hear her sobbing getting louder. Everyone started shooting her and stayed behind them. After a few seconds, she turned into a pile of ashes and everyone cheered at the sight of her death.

Employee: Not today guys!

Everyone else: Yes!

Y/N: ...What about punishing bird?

Employee: It went back into it's room by itself, nothing to worry about.

They walked to their offices and I stood there in place. After a while I shook my head and left the room, heading for the sleepin quarters. I knocked on Alter Ego's door and listened.

Y/N: Alter Ego? Are you there?

No response. I was getting worried about all of this so I tried to force her door open with some stuff I have in my room.

Y/N: Come on, don't let me down.

I inserted a thin metal pole in the lock and turned it around, successfully unlocking the door. I entered and saw her on the floor, ropes around her and a piece of cloth in her mouth.

Y/N: Thank god!

I ran at her and removed the cloth before starting to get rid of the rest.

Y/N: Who did this?

Alter Ego: *Breath* I don't know, I woke up like this.

Y/N: ...Alright, I'm done.

She stood up and looked at herself, making sure that she was still in one piece. She sighed and fell on her bed, probably happy that I saved her.

Alter Ego: Thank you Y/N, I owe you this one.

Y/N: Take your stuff, there's no way that you are going to sleep in this room tonight.

She did so and walked to my room before entering. She sat down on a chair and looked at me with her bright smile.

Alter Ego: So, how was your day?

Y/N: ...It was a tough day, I hope you're ready to listen to the whole story.

Alter Ego: It's not like I have something else to do.


???: ...

A man with purple hair was sitting at a desk, wearing clothes that revealed almost no skin.

???: Malkuth is acting strangely for the past few days, what's going on in the control team?

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