Day 43: Aftermath

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-Still, it didn't matter to him. After all, he was "destined" to be a big bad wolf.

Oh, that painful headache, the screeches of those horrible voices damaging my sanity like a sledgehammer. Feeling them ringing in my ears, I slowly closed my eyes and tried to shut them up.

I don't care how loud I shout, as long as it makes them quiet, I don't care how crazy I look. Unable to hear my own voice through this cacophony, my vision darkened with each scream. Clutching the pink heart that I received, I could no longer feel its warmth in my arms. With nothing to hold my mental strength together, I simply broke apart like a puppet without its strings.

So I screamed, screamed and yelled until my lungs felt like rotting away. Out of breath, I did not stop, this headache making me crave for the impossible, an escape from this hell. My body feeling like it was melting, my mind was following the same process, losing itself to the foreign object.

...Is this what it feels like to lose oneself? It felt like my whole being was distorting in protest, I was breaking apart under the emotional trauma.



...Ha, how lonely it is. To be alone in this distressing moment, left on my own to feel the ravages of my mind and emotions boiling inside me.

How lonely.


I feel a presence though, a gaze upon me. Whoever they are, they seem to be waiting for a better opportunity.



Y/N: ...

Then, as if it was nothing more than a bad dream, I merely woke up. Laying down onto a familiar bed, I silently stared at the ceiling before looking back at myself. Instantly, the sight of a pink sleeve was enough to make my eyes widen in shock. So many feelings bursting out, trails of tears was the only thing that truly became visible.

So warm... pink, not that vile mixture.

???: Took you a while to wake up, I thought you decided to drop dead on us.

Y/N: Hava?

Hurriedly wiping off my tears, I glanced at the other side of the room but couldn't see anyone. Surprised, I almost felt my heart stop when a hand firmly grabbed me to my left. Following that direction, I realized that the girl was laying right next to me in the bed, not under the sheet but merely to my side.

Y/N: W-What are you doing?

Hava: Playing the second wife I guess~? Tell me, what AM I doing?

Y/N: Uh... I don't-

Hava: Pft, come on now, don't give me that look!

With that, she shoved a light punch into my shoulder and bursted into a laughter, a laugh that I could not reciprocate considering my situation. Shifting my eyes away from her, I discovered the shape of a second person resting by the side of the bed, Alter Ego.

Y/N: ...

Hava: I suggest you don't wake her up, she needs some sleep.

Y/N: Yesterday... Arbiter, did it really happen?

For some reason, the mere presence of that abomination was enough to make my brain unconsciously refuse to accept the day that I've gone through, like a self-defense mechanism. To answer my doubts, the one awake nodded.

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