Day 6: Information Team

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-Sir, your 'angel' is chewing a body part of our colleague.

Y/N: Another day...

Alter Ego: Already done with this job?

Y/N: At least we're changing departements so I'm hoping that it will be better now than being with Malkuth.

I gave myself a little courage, gattering my strength to actually leave my room for another day. Alter Ego soon left the room too and we both walked to the elevator that will bring us to our new department, the Information team.

Y/N: Do you know if Dana is going to join us in the information team?

Alter Ego: ...I don't know but we'll see soon enough.

The lift slowly went down and opened after a minute passed, a minute that felt like 30. We both walked out of it and entered the first hallway of our new department.

Alter Ego: It's very... purple.

Y/N: Why is everything purple, it's hurting my eyes just looking around.

The girl beside me giggled a little at my reaction but quickly calmed herself. We both entered the main room of the department and a guy with purple hair was standing before us.

 We both entered the main room of the department and a guy with purple hair was standing before us

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???: I suppose this is everyone?

I nodded and he looked at all of us with a strict look on his face.

???: My name is Yesod and this is the Information team, I do not need slackers in my department so I'm expecting you to work until the end.

Y/N's mind: He's pretty straightforward.

He gave us our instructions and left us to our posts. Some of us we're confused about his behaviour but quickly began working.

Alter Ego: I wonder which abnormalities are in this department.

Y/N: Probably dangerous ones.

The screen besides us turned on and my name appeared on it along with the designation number of the abnormality I was supposed to work with.


Y/N: *Sigh* I'm coming back...

I slowly walked out of the department and made my way to the reinforced door containing another monster behind it. I hesitated for a bit but then remembered that my job would be at risk if I didn't complied so I entered the room.

Y/N: What is that thing?

Y/N: What is that thing?

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???: Woof!

Y/N: Get away from me!

I stayed as far as I could from the abnormality and glared at it, who knows what this thing could do after all. I took out my notepad and started writing my observations on it, trying to ignore the fact that this thing was trying to eat my leg.

Y/N: ...I'm not paid enough for this.

I made sure to constantly move as a way to not get attacked by that thing. When the timer told me that I was allowed to leave, I sprinted out of the containment area, not looking behind me.

Alter Ego: Wow, what happened in there? You look so tired, did you ran all the way here?

Y/N: That thing was trying to eat my leg!


I turned around and saw my name once more but it was asking me to go to the Control team.

Alter Ego: That's weird, no assignments.

Y/N: ...Something seems off about that.

While I was trying to figure out a reason for this, Alter Ego got called to work with that "dog". We both went our own ways and I waited for the elevator to take me back to the upper level.

Y/N: ...

I entered the main room of the Control team and immediately got greeted by Malkuth.

Malkuth: Y/N, it's nice to see you again, how's your time in the Information team?

Y/N: Not so great for now.

Malkuth: I know Yesod can be a little harsh to his employees but you shouldn't give up.

She stepped even more closer and looked at me in the eyes.

Malkuth: But just so you know, the Control team would be glad to have you back in case it doesn't work for you.

Y/N: No thanks, I'm here because I was called for a work.

Malkuth: ...Of course it's because of the work.

Her happy expression vanished from her face before walking away. I could almost see a mix of sadness and anger in her expression.

Y/N: Let's see what I have to do.

I looked at the monitor and it told me that I had to work with One Sin. I smiled to myself knowing that it will be an easy task.

Y/N: *Whistle*

I opened the door of the abnormality and I was greeted by the floating skull with a cross in it. I sat on the floor of the room and meditated about my current situation.

Y/N's mind: I honestly don't know which one is the worst, Malkuth and her weird behaviour or Yesod with his strict and rude attitude to the employees... Can I also include Angela too since she's also acting a little odd, at least compared to what the others say about her.

My thoughts were interrupted by the intercom warning me that our shift was over and that the second one will take over in 5 minutes. I stood and felt more relaxed than before, probably because of the abnormality beside me.

Y/N: Good night One Sin.

It didn't respond obviously but it didn't stop me from talking to it. As I was about to leave, I was held back by the hand of someone.

Malkuth: Hey Y/N, do you have a minute?

Y/N: ...Actually no, I need to get some sleep.

I tried to remove her hand from my shoulder but it was firmly holding me. I glared at the Sephirah but she just smiled back.

Malkuth: She better be grateful that I bring you to her.

Y/N: Her?

Whoever the person she was talking about, she probably didn't like her. Her eyes were staring at nothing, a pair of dull eyes that gave me chills.

Malkuth: Angela wants to talk to you.

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