Day 49: The Day Everyone Tries to Forget

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-A teardrop fell from the child's dewy eyes, as stars showered from the sky. The world falls into a slumber, trapped in an ecstatic lullaby.

-Even if this turns to be a curse, I will love this curse like a blessing.

After what felt like a full hour spent recovering my emotions, I wiped away the ugly tears lingering in my eyes and stood up. I was standing in the middle of pure darkness and yet, despite not being able to see anything, a voice in the back of my head whispered me where to go. With not much of a choice, I followed its instructions.

Following behind my footsteps was the one who saved my life during the ordeal I went through. Without it being there, I would definitely had died back there, no questions asked. For that reason, my distressed mind was stopped by a frail barrier, stopping me from breaking under the pressure. Said barrier was that the sentient and moving liquid was still on my side, protecting me even when I was afraid of it.

Y/N: Please tell me something.

I slowly turned my head to glance down at the "floor" I was standing on. To prove that it heard my demand, its body began to stretch until it reached the height of my face, causing shivers to go through my body. No matter how hard I try to remain composed, it was something beyond my willpower, I was terrified to see it do any sort of movements, scared of the thought that it might try to jump onto me again.

...Its filth touching my skin, an invader breaking apart the defenses of my sanity and plunging me into the depth of madness and incoherent mumbles. I hated it, I hated it so much, I just- No, nonono, calm down Y/N, don't let it overwhelm you!

Y/N: What lies beyond this point? You sound like you know what's about to happen.

When I asked if this ordeal was done, the only words I got back was "for now", meaning that they must know something about what's about to occur. Taking a moment to process my question, it soon slumped back into a puddle on the ground.

"Death, the only thing waiting for us at the end."



Many voices spoke up in order, finally learning that all of them speaking at once would only make the information given worthless and incomprehensible. I solemnly nodded and resumed my walk. Staying here would only make me lose my will to continue, I had to keep going. After everything I went through, I couldn't break under the pressure.

It was a sign, I'm sure of it, I was stepping into a new territory that is unknown to me! A tightened fist raised, I heaved a sigh and took hold of my E.G.O weapon, loading a bullet in the chamber. Looking back at how effective some of the weapons I wielded in that battlefield covered by my past failures, the rifle that I was holding felt weak compared to them.

However, regardless of my feelings, it remained strong and saved me more than once, even if not via its intended use. Which is why I don't particularly yearn for a new kind of weapon, I've grown attached to it, its warmth giving me a source of comfort in a place as unforgiving as this place.

...Stay strong Y/N, you have to be prepared for what is waiting for you, no matter how hopeless it may be.


Y/N: ...I'm fine.

Just hearing its voice without expecting it was enough to raise the hair on my arms. I don't think I truly will get used to it.

My hands placed around my weapon, we pursued our walk, none of us speaking a single word the entire walk until I could faintly see a source of light in the distance. The sight was making me remember how the previous ordeal began, a single light in the darkness, a corridor leading me with no other choices offered to me except lingering in this eternal shadow forever.

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