Day 38: Raindrops (pt.2)

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All aware of the current disaster inside the facility, all captains of each team have gathered inside the upper part of the Central Command team to organize a plan to overcome the crisis that we were going through. Under the heavy rain that seemed to come from nowhere but everywhere at the same time, we were gathering the informations related about the current abnormalities inside the facility.

Intercom: Red & Black anomaly detected, Qliphoth Meltdown required to attempt reset.

Y/N: Any Red or Black damaging abnormalities undergoing a meltdown?

Immediately, I asked the other captains while I was checking my own abnormalities. From what I know, the only abnormalities that we currently have in our department that were affected consisted of Nothing There, Big Bird, Laetitia and Melting Love and no signs of meltdown could be found. Sighing in relief, I looked to the others, hoping that the abnormalities needing attendance were relatively safe ones.

Alter Ego: Nothing on my side.

She answered back while flipping through many pages of a large document, time playing against all of us. With the lack of superiors to guide us, we had to do everything on our own and prioritize the safety of others at all time.

Hana: Blue Star currently under meltdown in my department.

The one representing the Extraction team typed something on a device, sending a notification to the nearest teams. Sighing to myself, I glanced at the other teams, hoping that the other possible meltdowns would be tamer than Blue Star. I haven't seen that abnormality yet but the informations about it were terrifying enough.

Y/N: Disciplinary team, anything?

Sinvicta: Little helper is having a meltdown.

He calmly responded to my question, frowning at the informations he was going through. His black hair were slowly losing their original form with the stress and his eyes were fiercely staring at the documents in his possession. It was all or nothing after all, all of us putting everything on the line to make sure that the end is reached.

Sinvicta: Heard that, make the most resistant one to Red damage take care of it!

He spoke through a radio by his side and ordered the employees of his department to take care of the anomaly. The one on the other side complied, also aware that everything was going downhill at this point. In order to survive, all departments were on the same level and running at full capacity.

Y/N: WhiteNight's Qliphoth dropped, someone take care of it.

Alter Ego: I'll do it, please supervise my team during that time!

Standing up, she rushed downstairs with no hesitation in mind. Doing my part, I grabbed her documents and began going through them rapidly, taking a look at the abnormalities that she was dealing with.

Little Red, Silent Orchestra, Forsaken Murderer and Yin.

Y/N: ...Any sights of possible intruders?

I asked to the other captains, taking into account the numerous breaches that the company was unable to prevent. Before assembling here, a wave of robots entered the facility but were quickly taken care of. However, it doesn't mean that we were good, it just means that the storm is approaching.

Hana: Negative.

Sinvicta: At least we got some good music to work with.

He added to the conversation by pointing at the intercom playing a song just like the previous times when dealing with those type of anomalies. Sure, the music is good but we're going to die if we don't remain careful.

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