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Author's note: This is the edited version from one of my short stories in [Dilemma] with the same title.

Please feel free to correct my writings! :)


The sound of the clock ticking and our breath is the only thing that can be heard in the room. Taxidermied animals are the only witnesses of our meeting as their sparkless orbs are gazing at us. My feet stay rooted on the carpeted floor as my hands are now trembling, desperately trying to steady the gun with my digits.

Fuck. How should I handle this kind of difficult situation? How other people take care of this kind of event, when your own thin threads of sanity begin to snap one by one? There has to be some kind of explanation why this is happening to me. There has to be someone who already witnesses this and can give me clarification that all of this is not real. I refuse to believe this kind of thing exist.

This couldn't be real. There's no way that this is reality. I've must be dreaming. They shouldn't exist in this world. They're just one of many fictional beings in stupid horror or fantasy books. No, please someone fucking knock me back to sanity. I refuse to believe their existence is real.

 But despite me being in denial, I can't keep on doing it when one of the beings itself is dangerously standing in front of me.

He tilts his head with his red glowing eyes keep looking back at me. the sinister pair feels like it tries to devour me with his intense gaze. His porcelain skin reflects the warm light from the fireplace, defining all the dents and bumps of his chiselled feature. His thin lips are slowly curving up, displaying a menacing look on his already scary adonis face. Then the smile suddenly turns into a grin, showing off the long and pointy canines of his. I held my breath as my eyes unconsciously widen in fear at the sight of his fangs.

He slowly takes a step towards me, taunting me with his muscular figure.

I swallow my fear as I force my feet to move, keep on stepping away as to extend the gap between me and him. my trembling hands are now gripping the gun tightly, paling the tip of my digits. I try to intimidate the creature with the deadly tool in my hands, trying to make him stay away from me, "Don't you dare come any closer or I'll shoot you, Balan."

He indeed obliging to my pleading. But then he follows it with a mocking chuckle. What the... How dare he! The audacity of this creature to laugh at my threat. His taunt helps my hand to stop trembling, building up my courage as I point the gun directly towards his forehead area. His eyes widen slightly as his chuckles slowly turn into a series of sinister laughs, "You can try to kill me, little lamb. But that won't stop me to try to claim you."

His mocking tone raises my anger and without a second thought, I pull the trigger. The bullet directly hit the middle of his forehead, making his head tilts upwards and his body wobbles back several steps away because of the force. 

I shot him. I fucking shot him! I'm fucking SHOT a person. Well, he might not be a person but he indeed looks like one. And that thought successfully terrifies me greatly.

I was expecting the blood splattered on the wall behind him and see him hit the hard ground, to lay still as his eyes lose their spark. But he didn't. There's no splatter on the wall, no bullet holes on its surface. He didn't fall to the ground. He just stood there as his head still tilting upwards. Chills running on my spine the moment I see his head slightly move side to side as if stretching a tense muscle on his neck. Then his head turns back to its original place. A gaping hole is in clear view, decorating his once smooth forehead. I can see that the bullet indeed hurt him as there is some exposed fresh wound around the bullet. But, no blood leaking out of it.

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