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Author's note: Despite this book is still in consideration, I can't help but write this one as some ideas for the plot starts to pop out in my mind. Hehehe.

I add and change a little bit of description on the characters, so do check it out if you're interested! :)

Please feel free to correct my writings! :)


"Breaking news. There's been a report of another missing group of hikers consist of young women in the Northern province. They've last seen-"

The chauffeur turns off the radio and continues to drive in silence. Luckily the storm has not yet started when they finally arrive at the village as the car entering the medieval-looking wooden gate, passing the 20-meter tall and thick grey rock wall. The sight makes Noi's doe-eyes go wide the moment they passed the gate, making him to runs his gaze around at the unfamiliar place with fascination written all over his face. 

It's true what the chauffeur has said to him, the village is indeed beautiful. Those paintings back home can't even compare to the real sceneries in front of his eyes.

The combination of greeneries and medieval architectures of the buildings are so out of this world. All of the villagers' houses are almost identical, made of the same grey stone walls with the same darker shade roof tiles and dark brown-coloured wood. Noi thought It might be because they're using their own material that is laying around them as he spotted some of the big rocks and trees with the same colours before they're entering the village. 

The other fascinating things about the place are some of the villagers still use other un motor vehicles as their choice of transportation, although he can see some cars parked in the street. He saw a lot of them using bicycles, coaches, or even ride horses along the road. But there's something eerie about them that he can't help but notice.

The villagers look somehow paler than any normal people should. And since the place is near the ocean, it means the temperature in the village is much colder than usual. But oddly, the people in this village dare to wear thin clothes in such weather. He can easily notice the village seems to be dominated by young people as most of them ranged around their 20s to 30s and... he hasn't seen any single child since they've arrived in the area despite it's already around 5 pm, a time where the school should already end their lessons.

And also, Noi feels like their piercing eyes immediately turns towards him the moment the vehicle passed them. It as if they know an outsider has come to their village. The unsettling feelings make Noi decides to end his sightseeing session and just sit quietly while facing the front. He bit his lower lip nervously and tries to hide his irrational fear.

He doesn't understand why, but there's a little part the inside of him feels frightens. It might be because he's alone in a new environment. Or maybe because he's going to meet a very important client. His instinct tells him to just go back and to not ever come here again. But he doesn't want to ruin the family's long-life agreement just because him feeling a little bit uncomfortable with his surroundings.

Not long after, the road goes uphill and began to turn following the shape of the hill. Eventually, the car stopped in front of a victorian-style dark tall double-door metal gate. Noi lips parted, fascinate at how tall the front gate of the Blackburn Castle is. It easily reaches around 5 meters with half of the railings are covered by vines. The chauffeur rolls down the car window and lets out his head through it, signalling the security to open the door.

The security nods and opens the tall gate, creating a loud creaking sound as it indicates how worn out the hinges are. Once the gate is open wide enough, the car continues its journey inside. The road goes uphill again and it has taken another 15 minutes for them to go through the dense woods and finally see the building of the Blackburn estate. Noi gulps hard at how big imposing the building is. The chauffeur happily says, "Welcome to Blackburn Castle, Mr Anson."

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