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"Oops, sorry," Tao whispers while lifting the fork off the plate since it caused the screeching sound. He then briefly looks at the older vampires on either side of his before glance at the other end of the long dining table.

His hooded eyes caught the sight of Noi, as the latter pout those chestnut lips in annoyance while sitting at the other end of the dining table. The adorable doe-eyes are squinting in irritation, gazing at the other 3 men at the other end of 20 metres dining table with 13 pairs of dining chairs separating them.

Noi can't help but feel annoyed for sitting alone at the other side while the other happily enjoy each other company at the other end where he can see them. Isn't it just too mean for them to leave him alone like this after he had just woken up from a deep slumber? Especially Balan, who was so happy to see him finally awake is now busying stuffing the latter self up, almost ignoring his existence.

It sucks for Noi to be left out like this. But the reason for him to sit so far away from the others is understandable, though. 

Since Noi is just newly turned, all of his senses are in their most sensitive state. Even his ears that are now being covered by fluffy white earmuffs can still hear the faint clinks of utensils and munching from the other side. It was as if this damn furry thing didn't really help to mute those sounds for him.

Tao, who has noticed Noi's piercing stare, glances at Balan and whispers, "Is this really a good idea to sit so far away from him, P'In? Nong is not used to eating raw food or drinking blood yet."

The honoured eventually stop his silent chewing and follow Tao's vision, seeing Noi's frowning pretty face that sits at the far end directly opposite of him. He then gazes back to Tao and whispers back, "If Noi's sitting near us, he'll get irritated by the sound of our eating, Tao," 

"Let him be for now. Just focus on finishing your meal as soon as you can," Balan whispers again and continue to slowly stab the meat from the seventh plate he had tonight. the chunk has already been pre-cut earlier on to avoid making more scraping noises.

Balan didn't realize how hungry and thirsty he was for not eaten anything for 2 weeks. And the lack of protein inside his system is also the main cause why his regenerating process isn't as fast as usual. Now that he take in more nutrients, the honoured can feel the stinging pain on his left arm is lessening, indicating that his skin must've finally worked to thickens its layers.

"How can I when he looks that pitiful na Phi?" Tao replies and moves his gaze to Noi, "He didn't even touch the meat yet."

The information makes Balan glance at Noi again. True to what had Tao said, the little lamb kept on looking down the latter's own steak with a dejected expression. The sullen sight moves the honoured's heart, finally making him take the initiative to stand while taking his own half-eaten plate and mug before uttering to the other couple, "I'll go and accompany him."

As others nod at his statement, Balan goes to approach and place his meal on the table before sitting on Noi's left side. His presence immediately brightens the little lamb a little, proven by the doe-eyes suddenly glows into auburn before fluttering to disenchant the effect. The adorable gesture earns a chuckle from Balan as he utters in low voice, "You like to be accompanied that much?"

The little lamb nods with an adorable smile for feeling appreciative of Balan's gesture. Since Noi wear the earmuffs, he has tried to speak as little as possible because his own voice sounds louder and irritating. But it definitely feels better than to hear the other's continuous chewing sounds and the shrill clinking of utensils on the porcelain surfaces.

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