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It has been the same as in the previous scenario. Cottages engulfed in flames, sounds of townspeople shouting, screaming in both fear and agony dominating the place. But the major difference now is that the man that had caused it is not on the same ground as them. He is a few levels higher and stands in a destroyed hall that was once so grand, so noble and proper that ordinary people will have no chance to be inside and enjoy the proud poshness of it.

With his glowing red orbs, Yngvarr gazes at the blazing capital with an unreadable expression. His veiny hand is already gripping the silky locks of The Queen, as her royal highness sitting sideways while sobbing in fear.

"I only come here for the sake of my family. Yet, as soon as I take a step on this ground, you sentenced me to death." Yngvarr's baritone voice calmly speaks and cut through the eerie quiet, "I really thought, maybe because I am indeed a feared creature that needs to be killed in order for the town to fully be calmed down. But I guess, that's not all, wasn't it?"

He then turns around, directly gazing at The King that he once had served, bowing and showing the ageing bald spot as the crown already rolled sideways on the ground. There's not a single sense of chivalry and loyalty in Yngvarr's mind as the thought of this greedy man had dared to wipe his entire family out when he was away.

"You took advantage of my absence by wiping out a bruise on your spotless skin. Decided to exterminate us, an odd one with our dark hair and eyes that you westerners always thought as disgusting and demonic features." Yngvarr says and walks to approach the terrified king while also dragging the wailing queen along, "Just because we are different, you dare... to erase us since our presence seems to give you sore eyes. Am I correct?"

But no matter how much Yngvarr taunts The king, it seems he is too scared that the royal highness doesn't dare to utter out a single answer, too afraid if he replies wrong, this supernatural being will immediately kill him.

"M-my king... safe me..." The Queen suddenly sobs the moment she faces the terrified and trembling majesty, who now even refuse to show his old face and spare a glance to the woman that served him.

"This king of yours doesn't fucking care for you," Yngvarr answers for her instead and pulls the locks harsher, making the queen yell in pain and wail. Blood starts to pour out and drench her hair, indicating that her scalp must've been torn because of Yngvarr's harsh pull.

Instead of feeling pity, Yngvarr grimaces at how... weak and fragile these people are. It makes him even regret to accept the earlier punishment that had been given by them, "So weak and loud."

The supernatural being then pulls The queen's head harder as his other hand goes to wrap around her slender neck. Feeling annoyed at how to shriek and loud The Queen's wails are, Yngvarr decides to crush the fragile neck and instantly kill the wailing royalty.

As the hall has retained its quietness back, Yngvarr sigh in relief as he closed his cat-shaped eyes to enjoy a little bit of tranquillity with his hand still held the head of royalty. Once done taking his sweet time, Yngvarr throws The Queen's head as it hit The king on the back as the latter still does not dare to face him.

"I guess, being a King doesn't erase your fear." Yngvarr mumbles then turn to his newly turned creation, "Do you want to taste a noble's blue blood, Elvar?"

Yes, Yngvarr had just found a way to turned a normal human to become like him. After curiously tried to heal Elvar's condition by biting, both surprised that Yngvarr's fangs let out a thin clear liquid and accidentally goes inside the younger's bite marks.

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