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Not like many other nights, the throne room of Blackburn's castle is suddenly crowded by lots of villagers, who now stands at either side of the room and left the middle part empty. They are gathered here by their Lord's order but the latter seems not yet arrived.

At the front of the crowd, Tao is seen nervously biting his thumb for feeling restless of Noi's safety. He then turns to his always quiet lover and asks for more information, "Are you sure P'In is still trying to find Noi? What if he can't find him? It's already been more than 3 hours since Noi's gone missing!"

"He's not missing, Tao. But run away," Lambert corrects and gently grab Tao's hand to stop the latter from biting the poor thumb, "Stop that. You're going to hurt yourself with your fangs."

The gentle warning instead makes the young vampire pout in annoyance and brush off his lover's hand, "We are vampires, Phi. The wound will for sure heal in just a matter of seconds."

"Yes, but I still don't like seeing you get hurt. So put your hand do-" Lambert cut himself as his once soft almond eyes widen slightly, follow by his muscular body stiffen in an alert. At first, Tao looks at the latter in wonder but then he immediately understands why his beloved Phi stop talking. Because there's a smell of another human mixing with Noi's familiar scent faintly in the air.

It doesn't take long for the door of the throne room to be banged open as Balan strides inhumane speed while carrying the protesting weakened Noi on his shoulder. The sight of how they look makes Tao gasp in shock.

At first, Tao was concerned when he sees Balan covered in blood. But then the young vampire sighs in relief when he notices that the smell is different from Noi's scent. But what shocks Tao more is Noi's condition as there's no single thread of garment covering the boy and the exposed lean body is full of dirt and blood from the same unfamiliar human smell. There's also a faint smell of Noi's own blood as well, indicating that the human boy must've hurt himself.

"What happened?" Tao mutters as his hazel eyes look at them in worry. Adding that Noi's now not wearing anything in the middle of cold weather is really concerning. Tao doesn't want Noi to get sick after all.

Once the honoured reach the middle of the throne room, he harshly drops Noi to the ground as the latter immediately crouch and throws up on the floor, the effect of being carried by an angry vampire who didn't care for his endurance and just speeding up to cut through the night.

As Noi's done throwing up, without giving him time to breathe Balan suddenly pulls his damp lock and force him to look up at the other pairs of glowing white orbs. The harsh treatment makes Noi whimper in fright as he uses his left hand to cover his private part in shame.

Eyes drenched in tears, naked body covered in bile and dirt as the foul smell of it has been mixing with blood, with only one working hand that he can use to protect himself. Noi thought there's nothing more humiliating and crueller than this.

Noi's pitiful sight makes Tao wants to approach and aid the poor boy, but his attempt is stopped by Lambert as the latter shakes his head in disapproval, "Do not interfere."

"But, Phi..." The young vampire begs as he glances at the pitiful state of Noi on the ground. He can't seem to stand seeing the human boy being treated like this.

"It's his fault for running away. Do not anger Yngvarr further or both of us and Little Noi will be in much danger." Lambert warns and pulls Tao behind his back, "Don't look if you can't stand it."

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