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Author's note:  Inspired by some comments on a specific chapter in the book. To the ones who bestow those comments, thank you, dears~

Hehehe. Enjoy!


Please feel free to correct my writings and relay your frustration in the comment! :)


Yngvarr stands at the top of the hill as his glowing red orbs continues to linger on a specific place from afar. He pays attention to the raging flames that had been busy engulfing an entire kingdom, the place where he once put his loyalty and struggled to be accepted.

His attire is drenched in the blood of the people that he once protected and served. His tummy is filled with the meat of the ones that berating him, while his hand holds a bowl of freshly plucked eyeballs that the corpses don't need anymore.

"What should we do now, brother?" Elvar approaches the older while licking his hand that is coated with blood. His other hand grip the King's decapitated head by the hair, complete with the crown still placed on the deceased. 

"Hmmm, not sure," Yngvarr hums and pouts, "Our revenge ended so quickly. There's really nothing we could really do."

It is a problem for creatures like them as their goal had just been fulfilled within a day. Then what about the next many days after? What could an immortal being do to spend their eternal time? It sounds so boring to live forever but don't have any aim in life. 

Should they go back to Dhravk and maybe, wait for Hel to reappear and take an act of revenge on the deity? Yngvarr does still have bitter feelings for her. But how long will that damn deity show her ugly face back to him? Probably very long but he's willing to wait.

After taking a pause to think for a while, the elder turns to answer, "I was thinking of creating more like us when we go back to the Land of Dhravk."

The suggestion raises one of Elvar's eyebrows, "Why do we need to do that?"

"Just to get revenge on the one who created me, still have bitter feelings with her," Yngvarr replies, "And it feels kind of lonely to live with only the two of us, don't you think?"

The elder then turns his gaze back to the burning city, paying attention to the raging flames that are now devouring the once-grand castle and crumbling it down to the ground. The sight makes him found another goal that seems reachable for an immortal like them. It might help to fill their time as well, "And while we wait, we can do something else."

"And what is that?"

There's a prolonged pause before Yngvarr finally mutters, "Controlling over a country. Doesn't that sound fun?"

He then averts his gaze away from the destroyed city and turns to Elvar while casually offers the newly-turned Bragr a bowl of organs in his hands, "Eyeballs?"

❂ ❂ ❂

'Because I'm convinced that loving you eternally will be the greatest decision I'll ever make.'

Those sentence that Balan had uttered this afternoon keeps on repeating in Noi's mind, making him wonder the true meaning behind those words.

Balan is an immortal being that lived for nobody-knows-how-long and will continue to live for, who-knows-how-long. When someone like that is declaring a faithful and willing to love Noi for the rest of his short human time, would that also mean Balan is ready to love a wrinkly-old version of Noi?

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