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Nothing feels more horrible than knowing the fact that Noi has just sold himself to this vampire Lord, agreeing to be submitted like a whore in exchange for a right that he is supposed to have as a human being. It makes Noi unable to stop his sobbing while helplessly hide in shame and wetting Balan's broad back, not wanting the other's to see his pitiful state. Adding that his trembling lean body now has to be willingly carried back like a sack potato by someone who had violated him repeatedly in the past, it makes him feel so dirty and stinky.

He promised that he'll treat me more humanely, but what's this? Not more than 5 seconds and he already lied to me, Noi thought as he continues to sob loudly. But at least by being carried like this, it helps to ease the burning pain on his wounded feet.

Then suddenly a wide palm slaps his butt, instantly made Noi stop crying and yelp while turning to see the vampire's back head that carried him, "What the fuck?! Balan!"

"Stop crying, will you," Balan replies as he keeps on walking at a fast pace, effortlessly climbing up the hill to go through the dense forest of The Blackburn's property as they had just passed the imposing front gate. He then fixes his hold on Noi's body while making a comment, "Never thought that you're such a crybaby."

"Excuse me?! H-how can't I?" Noi sniffles and begin to cry again, "I-I just see se-se-seven people got beheaded! I-it's scary! You're so mean!" his fists then start to continuously pound on Balan's back, "And how do you think I feel being carried like a sack of potato by someone who just decapitated someone's head off?! Heartless vampire!!"

The honoured then sigh and follow to Noi's indirect wanting, swiftly shift his hold to carry the latter from over the shoulder into a bridal style without dropping the human boy, which also earns a surprised yelp from the unexpected one being carried, "Ah! Balan!"

"Look," The vampire interrupts as he stops walking and points to a direction with his head, "There's nothing wrong with depopulating our kind. They're deemed useless once they rebel and not listen to my order, anyway."

Noi follows in Balan's direction and immediately, his wet doe-eyes widen while gasping loudly because the honoured intentionally shows him the horrifying scene once again without minding Noi's feelings about it.

At the other side of the tall gate at the foot of the hill, Lambert is seen diligently planting a long 5-meter rod with an impaled head on it, accompanied by Tao who instead, playing the two rods of the same length with impaled heads on their end and shake them like maracas. The adorable act earns a chuckle and fond ruffle from Lambert and caused Tao to bounce cutely with the rods still in his hand. There's no sign of fear or remorse in both of them as they keep on happily joking and giggling as if the horrible activity they currently doing is a sweet date in the park or something.

"You should feel happy rather than sad as it will also mean a safer place for you to walk around, Little Noi. Now you can even buy those paint brushes that dead old man managed to made in the afterlife somehow." Balan states.

The honoured thought the reassurance will at least, lessen Noi's gloom. But of course, the heartless reassurance did the opposite as the human boy instead cry louder while hiding his face to Balan's crook of the neck, "Balan!! How dare you show this to an 18-year-old boy?! You're horrible!!"

The honoured tilt his head confusedly, "How am I horrible, darling? I'm just trying to comfort you."

"How is showing that kind of scene is going to comfort me?!" Noi shrieks as his lean arms are now wrapping tightly around Balan's neck while still crying vigorously, "Y-you p-promised to treat me more h-humanely, but what's this?! You lied!"

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