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Author's note: A bonus chapter before I went on a break. Decided to just post this now since the chapter had already been done anyway. It was inspired by a reader's question in the previous chapter.

Enjoy and have a great day to all of you~


Please feel free to correct my writings and relay your frustration in the comment! :)


"WHAT?! THANK YOU AND THAT'S IT?!" Tao shrieks as his hands subconsciously crush the half-made flower crown that he currently weaves, "You forgave him, thanked him, but didn't say the 'I love you'?" the young vampire throw away the crushed flowers and whines for feeling disappointment, "Nong!! You should've confessed right there na~ It was such an appropriate and intimate moment too~"

They have now gone back to spend time in the garden with Kevin joining them. The three currently sits on the fountain as the young masters play with the flowers bought from Mr Benson's shop. The chef helps to tidy the end part of the stems with a pair of garden scissors.

Balan and Lambert are currently gone out for inspection around the village. Even though there are lots of positive feedbacks, there are some negative ones from the human customers and most of them said that the business owners often smile creepily at them. So because of that, both Lords are out to try to teach them how to smile.

Originally, the lords thought to send Tao to do it but the young vampire is just too talkative and bad at disguising as humans. So without a choice, they took this difficult task and do it themselves.

"I-I was embarrassed at that time!" Noi argues with his blushing cheeks, "He was so close and... Uuuugghh~~" the little lamb mewl for feeling shy as his dainty hands let go of the perfect almost-done flower crown and hide his reddening face behind the pretty limbs.

"And what?" Tao raises one of his brows as his eyes glow into deep pink, "And why is your scent gone sweeter? P'In's not here."

"He's being shy, Young Master Tao," Kevin, with his own white glowing orbs, finally break his quiet to explain for Noi as he stops cutting the end-stem of the flowers, "You emitted the same intense smell whenever you talked about Master Lambert back then when you were still a human."

"Really?" Tao nods in understanding, "I guess that's normal then," and quickly brush off the topic to goes back to the main one, "But really na Nong, you should've told him how you truly feel ASAP. I know we are immortal beings and you soon will be one of us, but that doesn't mean we like to wait. As much as a patient man P'In is, he still has his limit."

"I know, Tao. I'm working on it!" Noi whines as he briefly grips the fabric of his nightgown before continuing to weave the flower crowns. His hands seem to weave faster for trying to calm his nervousness while chewing his own bottom lip to ease the feeling. The little lamb's legs had also started to fidgeting and make the anklet jingle along with the jittery movement, "It's quite embarrassing to just confess like that you know. I'm not good with words and not as brazen as you. And... it will be my first time confessing too..."

"Oh?" The young vampire widen his hooded eyes for feeling surprised, then smile while do a tiny jump in his seat because of excitement on his seat, "Does that mean P'In is your first love?"

Although Noi is embarrassed, he can't deny the fact of what Tao had said was right. So the little lamb nods his head in tiny as his legs can't stop fidgeting because of shyness.

"Awwiee~~" Tao shrieks for feeling giddy, "You are so cute na Nong~~ P'In will be very happy when he hears this~."

The blush on Noi's cheek are begin to redden. The little lamb then tries to divert the conversation away, "Then what about you, Tao? You're the same age as me. Was Lambert your first love?"

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