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"What are you making, dear one?" A young man in his 20s with brown hair suddenly asks as his veiny hand fondly ruffles the little girl's darker locks. His cat-shaped eyes gaze down towards her tiny hands which skillfully weaving the flower stems with each other, making it into a circular big ring.

Not far from them is seen a much younger version of Elvar, running around the greenery field as playing catch with the other 2 children that live in the same orphanage. All of them are like him, an exile party for being different-looking than the other in the village. They are the abandoned children that were survived a tragedy that befalls their parents but are forgotten by their own country.

They originally came along with their own respective parents around 8 season cycles ago, who were merchants that come from the East in hopes to be able to trade with the Westerners. But unfortunately, the strong tide and violent storm sunk their ship and kill their parents. The only one who survived was only them and a middle-aged woman who is the mother of Eleanore, as the girl has just turned 8 and the youngest one of their entourage and apparently, the most creative of them all.

"A flower crown!" She replies cheerfully and raised her new creative product. She then turns her sparkly dark eyes towards her beloved much older friend, who is now become her older brother and show her craft to him, "This is for you, Brother Yngvarr! For being the most awesome eldest brother for us all! Thank you for taking care of us all this time."

Hearing how genuine the gratefulness that Eleanore relay instantly brings a wide smile to Yngvarr's thin lips, "There's no need to thank me for that as I have loved all of you as siblings of my own. But," he lightly taps the flower crown, "I would be glad to receive such a pretty thing from you, Eleanore. Will you help to put it on me?"

The little girl cheers happily and agreed to Yngvarr's request. She quickly stands her own small body up and placed the crown on top of Yngvarr's head. Then she leans down a bit and put a kiss on top of her eldest brother's head, "May God of Odin be with you on this journey, Brother Yngvarr. I hope you'll be back home safely with Brother Elvar."

Yngvarr fondly smiles and rubs the little girl's back as an act of comfort because he can feel tears that have started to wet the top of his head. The young man utters a comforting promise, not knowing whether he will be able to fulfil it or not, "I promise we will be united again, Eleanore. Pray for us and let Goddess Fortuna bless our fate."

❂ ❂ ❂

As the sky begins the darken, the villager has started to come out from their own respective homes. The once quiet and eerie village begins to get livelier as dusk shifts deeper into the night. Sounds of horses and carriages are now mixing with the noisy residents that are either gossiping or haggling with each other.

At the top of the hill, far away from the lively noises but still visible to the naked eyes, the once dark castle begins to illuminate underneath the dark sky and the servants inside have now walked around the property to continue their tasks of the day- I mean night. And at the highest peak of the castle, where the private chamber of the castle owner is placed, the human boy who is the oddest one between all the busybody creatures on the lower floors is still currently sleeping soundly on top of the canopy bed.

Dark and small purplish dots have now marked his once unblemished golden skin as some of them is now hidden behind a thin silver band that wraps around his slender neck. A shiny big 5-carat big fat red diamond stone in square cut, which is easily worth more than all of Noi's Da Vinci brushes can be seen loosely hanging on the ring at the centre of the band as it beautifully glints the warm light of the now illuminating fireplace. Intricate silver snakes are securely wrapping around the stone as it also helps to decorate it beautifully and change the outer shape into a teardrop design.

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