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Author's note: I know that I said I'll be taking a few days off. But I thought to at least publish this chapter so I can rest without leaving the plot hanging.

And I decide to make a footnote underneath some future chapters. When a * is written in front of the word, means there's a footnote to helps you know what it means. Figured it is better to add one and to not confuse you.

I've also changed the family crest into a serpent that coils around a big red diamond (in fact, changed Noi's diamond pendant to red too). So don't be confused in the future, dear old readers! :)


Please feel free to correct my writings and relay your frustration in the comment! :)


What have I done? Did I make him mad again? Will he threatens me for not listening? Will he finally strip and show my naked body to a bunch of strangers? Will he tries to force his way and rape me? What other horrible things will he do to me?

Horrible thoughts start to swirl inside Noi's mind as his doe-eyes can't stop letting out tears. Adding that Balan's appearance seems so scary right now urge the human boy to take the last useless effort by hiding his face with his own hands and starts to let out small sobs for being too scared to face those glowing orbs and pointy fangs.

Seeing how frightened Noi looks instantly soften Balan's heart, making him tries to die down his own anger as the glowing red eyes turn back to black in order to not make the human boy afraid anymore. The honoured then make an attempt to be in the boy's vision as Noi's currently hid the weeping beautiful face behind the pair of dainty hands, "Noi, I apologize for scaring you. Will you let me look at you?"

"No!!" The human boy sobs louder and hid his face deeper, "Y-you're s-scary!!"

Noi's crying voice really makes Balan's heart feel uncomfortable for hearing it. So the honoured tries to pursue the weeping boy again by lightly taps on Noi's knuckles to gain attention, "Noi darling, stop crying and look at me. My eyes have turned back now so it's not that scary anymore."

But the boy didn't listen and just continue to sobs on top of Balan's lap. Not getting any response, the honoured let out a sigh and decides to just dry themselves first as the warm water has now gotten colder. Balan effortlessly lifts the human boy out of the tub and makes him sit on the counter again as he works to dry the lean body with a big towel. Once the visible tanned skin is dry enough, Balan wraps the still weeping Noi with a new big towel to keep the latter warm as he drys himself before going to the connecting walk-in closet to wear pants and grab Noi's nightgown.

Once he's out of the closet, Balan sees the human boy still weeping in the same position while being wrap like a burrito with the towel. He then tries again by lightly tap the visible trembling knuckles and asks in a gentler tone, "Darling, will you stop crying and please just look at me? I don't look scary anymore."

After waiting for a while, Balan failed to get any answer again. So without having any choice, Balan just swallows his frustration and decides to lift Noi and bring him out of the bathroom. Really, the patience of this honourable man in dealing with this fragile heart little lamb is astounding on the vampire's scale.

Trying not to be bothered and saddened by the sound of the cry, Balan continues to tend to Noi's needs as he places the still weeping human boy on the bed and kneels down in front of the latter after taking the first aid kit inside the drawer.

Balan let Noi alone in hopes the latter will eventually stop on his own while he uses the time to treat the wound on the latter's pretty feet, giving them ointment and replace the bandages with a new one. As he's done treating them and hears that there's no sobbing noise anymore, Balan lifts his head to see the sniffling and hiccuping Noi gazes back at him with glistening doe-eyes.

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