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Noi can't help but keep on glancing around the spacious chamber. The room with dark grey stone walls is full of antique furniture that for sure, multiple times older than himself. Rugs that for sure originated from furry animals are placed in front of the lit fireplace. The warm light from the fire dance along with the shattered pieces of the lamp that he had thrown at Balan not too long ago, making his doe-eyes gaze at them and starts to ponder.

The antique is being broken into an unrepairable state due to the honoured brushed it aside violently. Noi suddenly feels bad for throwing the object as it must've worth a lot, considering how old the device is. It must've made around the early to late 17th century as the intricate shape on it looks old. The darn thing doesn't even use electricity. It was fortunate that the fire on the candle inside of it was out the moment it hit the ground.

Imagine if it doesn't. Then the castle will be engulfed in flames as the vampires inside of this property will be roast like the stories that he knows about Bragr. Whereas the lore tells that the people in his own village tried to kill Bragr by setting him ablaze in flames due to them being afraid of the cursed creature, leaving only ash and bones as the remnants.

And because of that, instead of perishing as a normal being should, the ashes reformed themselves and returns Bragr to his original state, as if he's not being burned alive in the first place. Well, isn't that creepy? Bragr must've been the devil's incarnate.

"Do you not like the food, Nong?"

The young vampire's voice suddenly breaks his reverie, making the doe-eyes gaze back to the hooded ones and blinks rapidly, "Pardon?"

Tao blinks back, "I was asking if the meal is not to your liking. I can ask the chef to make a new one for you."

Noi then gazes down to the bowl on his lap, a half-eaten lukewarm and bland pasta full of spinach and mushroom, topped with boiled shredded chicken, meat only as Noi threw away the skin part as it looks so similar to yesterday's mutilated bodies. Not a good dinner in his opinion as it is too... healthy for his liking. But no matter, better than eating juicy red meat after witnessing a butchering session, "Uh... No, I'm sorry I was a little spaced out just now. I'm just thinking what a pity that I broke that lamp. It looks antique."

The boy who sits in front of him tilt his head in confusion. Then, his hazel orbs follow Noi's statement, gazing at the now broken lamp and turns back to the human boy, "No worries about that. Antiques have no worth here since we don't really need a lot of money to survive. Although I admit," Tao nods his head, bringing the brunette locks to bounce with his movement, "Money does help us a lot."

"I see," Noi replies shortly as he takes some more bites to finishes his food.

Tao, who is patiently waiting for him, starts to blabber again, "Yes! Money really helps to bribe some people and authorities! It is indeed very convenient to have them."

"Why do you need to bribe them for?" Noi nonchalantly asks as he chews while stirring his food.

"Well, for humans of course!" Tao replies, making the younger boy stop his chewing and stirring, "We buy death-sentence prisoners from nearby jails several hours from here. We also sometimes buy homeless peoples from the street polices. They are so cheap, you know! around 500 pounds per body! Now isn't that a steal? Although, their meat isn't that great in other's opinion."

Noi, with his cheeks still full of food, stunned at the young vampire's blabbering. He then forces himself to swallow the food with much difficulty to be able to speak, "Uh... you're buying humans?"

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