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"How is it, Phi?" Tao asks again for the nth time out of concern for Noi's safety.

The couple is now standing outside the west wing of the castle, directly underneath the tower to check on the condition. Since Balan's chamber is the highest peak of the tower and is currently being blur out by layers of thick fog, Tao can't really see what's happening. 

But luckily, Lambert still can as he also sense that something must've gone wrong inside the chamber. Both of them keeps on hearing these faint continuous thumping noises and groans from the tower. But oddly, the building still looks perfectly fine and intact, erecting ever so strongly despite its old age.

Noi's scent is also hasn't dissipated fully and faintly lingers in the air. The sweet and delicious fragrance prevented the other servants to enter or even approach the castle. All of them are currently still standing on the driveway, waiting for their master's cue to be able to enter the property.

But the smell also begins to mix with another foul smell, that is very much similar to the scent of at least a week-old human corpse. The smell is also what concerns both of them as they know there's no way a corpse is being kept inside the castle. Vampires' sensitive noses wouldn't be able to stand the unpleasant pungent smell.

"I don't know, bunny." Lambert says as his auburn orbs keep his gaze up to the tower, "Nothing odd's seems to happen but I have a bad feeling about this. I hope both brother Yngvarr and Little Noi is alright."

Not long after, the offspring begins to frown as his eyes caught something odd in the sky around the tower. At the right side of the erecting building, appears some kind of crack that begins to get bigger as he lingers his gaze on it. 

Quickly, the odd crack spread fastly and eventually breaks, surprising him as the unusual phenomena also heightened his sense of alert. And the sight underneath it shocks him, as the image of a once perfectly fine tower has now turned into a destroyed one. The building had lost some of its walls and even roof, almost at the bridge of crumbling. The inside of Balan's destroyed chamber can also be seen with his sensitive vision. Seeing the unexpected sight makes Lambert quickly took a few steps back while dragging his clueless lover along.

"What is it, Phi?" Tao asks in confusion.

But before Lambert can answer the question or even disenchant himself from the shock, something fell from the balcony of the tower and crash to the ground, not far from where they stand. Whatever fell to it seems to be thrown harshly as it forms a deep hole from the hard collision. The intense foul smell has also come out strongly, making both of them quickly grimacing and pinch their nose to block out the smell.

Suddenly, something alive, don't really know what it is, trying to crawl out of the hole with one of its front limbs as the mysterious creatures successfully make Tao scream loudly in fright while hiding behind his braver lover.

"AAAHH!!! PHI PHI!!! WHAT IS THAT??!!" Tao shrieks in a nasal voice while pointing at the deformed being before using the same hand to shake his beloved's shoulder, which the latter seems to turn into stone out of both surprise and alert.

Both of their audible or inaudible questions are soon being answered as the creature turns out to be a woman drenched in foul blood, with only a right hand, head and upper body torso left of her. Half of the woman's face is also crushed beyond recognition. Torn flesh and veins also dangled at the end of her remaining torso, indicating that she was ripped by whoever she went against. All in all, she looks horrendous and damn stinky. So stinky.

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