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He can hear it very clearly throughout the stoned walls and marble ground. The various frantic sounds that came out from the exotic boy resonates through the surface of his castle. How heavy the breath that Noi let out as those long legs are currently trying to run away from the servants that pursuing him. It makes Balan chuckles at how cute their chasing sessions are.

Casually, Balan goes out from his chamber and... walks in ridiculously inhumane speed to the office where Noi currently turning the room upside down with the latter's frantic action. He then turns to the servants, who are now already gathered not far from where he stood with their knives and buckets in their hands.

With one gesture from his finger, the servants immediately understand the master's order and leave the scene. Balan uses one of his abilities and burn himself into ashes and slip through the gap of the door. He then reshapes himself to his original shape in a matter of seconds and begins his impeccable acting in concern, "What's wrong, Noi? Why you look so panic?"

Noi immediately turns in his direction, showing the wide doe-eyes complete with wet streaks decorating the tanned cheeks.


"STOP!!" The boy shouts and points the nuzzle of a gun that was displayed on the desk to him. It seems Noi didn't buy his acting as those dainty hands can be seen trembling greatly, desperately tries to steady the deathly tool. Noi then stutters with a frightened voice that sounds so melodic to Balan's sadistic mind, "W-wh-what a-a-re you?"

Balan didn't utter out any answer and decides to observe the frantic boy. His silence seems to frustrated the latter even more, making Noi harshly utters the same question with a much louder voice as the dainty hands still tightly point the nuzzle towards Balan, "WHAT ARE YOU?!!"

The honoured turns his concerned expression into a smile, a creepy one, as his black eyes are now glowing in red, feeling excited to the exotic's boy frantic voice. He then chuckles, "Look's like we've been found out by the little lamb."

Despite having a gun pointed at him, Balan looks very much relaxed as he nonchalantly shrugs at the frightened boy, "Isn't it very much obvious what we are? That is such a dumb question that needed to be answered, little beautiful Noi."

Balan creepy giggles cut through the thunders that have now violently strike the night sky, "Ansons are very nice, aren't they? To even give such a cute nickname to you, a nobody who has no single drop of their blood."

"No," Noi ignore Balan's sarcasm and how on earth that the latter is able to know that information as the boy vigorously shakes his head while his wet doe-eyes continues to leak out tears.

The existence of another creature that is written in books or in tales of folklores which is supposed to be only an imagination or myths is now standing in flesh in front of him, "They're not real. Vampires don't exist. What kind of sick prank is this?!"

They're supposed to be a myth, a supernatural being that is not supposed to exist in this world.

Bragr, Renatus, or vampires, are just one of the many traditional mythological creatures which should be just phenomena that are not supposed to come true.

I refuse to believe that they exist.

The honoured gasps with his glowing red cat-shaped eyes widen in mocking shock, "Prank? You think this is a joke?" then he let out an amused hum, "But it is indeed funny when you think about it. An ordinary prey like you to bravely and willingly going into the den of predators."

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