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After that one-sided deal, Noi had been stuck on Balan's side for more than a week now. The human boy thought his days will be full of dirty touches and molestation, but in reality, is not. And to say that the honoured is being nice to him is an understatement or even a mocking. Because the vampire Lord has been relentlessly pampering Noi with lots of care and attention.

It might be because of his guilt to Noi that pushed Balan to be more tolerant. But there's also another reason, which is the special feeling in his heart that also urge him to care for this bratty little lamb more.

Like how Balan will gladly help Noi to go down from the fifth floor to the first floor just to take a glass of water or when the little lamb is being hungry in the middle of the sleepy time. Another good example is how the unwearied vampire will embrace the spoiled little lamb and gently pat Noi's bumbum while humming a lullaby every dawn. And another one is how the honourable man will patiently deal with Noi's unexpected carelessness that often resulting in the latter losing track of his own things.

It even happens now, as Noi is pouting in annoyance while squatting in front of an opened cupboard. He's in the middle of sulking just because he can't find the watercolour brushes that he himself had put away. Silly reason, but the vampire Lord is such a patient man that he willingly deals with it while efficiently doing his work. At this point, Balan might as well just adopt this adorable human boy and be his daddy in both terms.

Sounds wrong but make sense.

"Are you sure you were putting them away on that shelf last time, darling?" Balan asks as his black orbs still reading the documents while one of his veiny hands is used to rest his own chin.

"Yes! But I can't find it~" Noi whines while still squatting down in front of the opened cupboard, looking on the said shelf, "I remembered very clearly that I put it right here!"

"Hmmm," The honoured hums and glance at the human boy. The adorable position and facial expression instantly make Balan's thin lips curving up. His once black orbs then glow to red as he moves his supernatural gaze to scan the inside of the cupboard, "They are not in there, darling."

"They aren't?" Noi turns to Balan and pouts deeper with begging doe-eyes, "Then where are they?"

Balan glance at the other shelves of the cupboard with his glowing orbs, scanning with his supernatural vision to see these... watercolour painting brushes Noi had been desperately looking for all afternoon.

Since Balan spends lots of his time in the office, he decides to empty a corner at the side of a big window and turn it into Noi's watercolour mini painting studio. It consists of a cupboard to store the little lamb's painting supplies, a long sofa as the human boy likes to lounge around, and a wooden desk complete with a chair for Noi to paint.

Lots of watercolour paintings in mostly A4 sizes and animal drawings are sticking on the wall. They even go as far as attaching themselves to the honoured's side of space. The soft pastel colour of the sketch looks so in contrast to the scary taxidermied animals that are also decorating the office. The once eerie and intimidating space now turns softer because of Noi's cute animal paintings.

After scanning for a while and found no brushes, Balan moves his vision and caught the sight of those brushes and guide the latter, "It's not on any of the shelves, darling. Why don't you try to look at your desk."

Frowning, Noi stands up to walks to the desk and then faintly gasps as indeed, the brushes are on top of the table. The little lamb shyly glances at Balan and mutter his gratitude, "Thank you."

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