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Another week had just passed by so... slowly for Noi. Why you might ask?

Because Balan once again, distances the latter self from Noi for some unknown reasons. The honoured didn't even return to their shared chamber that often anymore and just come to feed Noi with his blood, then will go missing again with an excuse of being busy with the village's piled up paperwork.

It annoys Noi greatly, the physical distancing that Balan randomly did makes his chestnut lips pout in annoyance. It caused a lot of question marks to pop out of the vampire's boy mind as there's really no reason for the honoured to pretend to be busy for the purpose of not seeing him.

Noi remembered clearly that they weren't in the middle fighting. Aside from the creepy smile, Balan looked fine the last time Noi had properly seen him around a week ago. And there's no virus lingering anywhere that causing health protocols to put distance between each other. So why the sudden wide gap?

Balan's argument when being confronted for the odd behaviour and sudden distancing was exactly that because he was busy and focusing on the administration affairs as the village is currently in the middle of re-opening. 

But Noi can see that's not only the case. He somehow knows that whenever Balan put a distance between them, means something regarding him is bugging the latter's mind. And the little lamb often had no idea what it is about.

But, now is not really the time Noi should be thinking about Balan because he's in the middle of an offspring-trainee program and is taught by Lambert, the least Blackburn Noi's close with and the grumpiest out of three. And the said tutor was also being so strict on teaching him.

But, again, no matter how strict the teacher is, it doesn't affect Noi that much as, after all, the boy had seen so many cruel things inside the village. And because of that, there's really almost nothing for the little lamb to be afraid about. 

So, Lambert, the once strict teacher has gone lenient and can only sigh while repeatedly call Noi from the other side of the field, trying to gain his student's attention that keeps on getting distracted by unknown reasons, "Little Noi! Focus!"

Lambert's loud voice finally able to startles the little lamb as the doe-eyes gaze back to the older vampire and flutters with a little-guilty-not-so-guilty adorable stare, "I-I'm sorry..."

They are now outside, specifically on the field near the back of the west wing where Balan's tower is still under construction. A wide greenery field is a perfect place for Noi to learn various kinds of vampire-walking techniques, as well as a good spot for Lambert to also supervise the building development at the same time.

Oh! There's also Tao who casually sits under the tree on the hill not far from them. The young vampire is currently enjoying the cooling sensation the shade gives while practising to weave with the grass that he plucked from the ground. 

Tao has no desire to help his busy husband or even being asked to by the latter. Because everyone knows that he won't be able to teach anything to Noi and will just end up gossiping with each other.

As Lambert keeps on noticing Noi's gloomy daydreaming, the older vampire sigh again and decides to approach the fellow offspring, "You're thinking about Brother Balan, aren't you?"

The question startles Noi, "H-huh?!"

The older offspring points out with his jaw before uttering the obvious, "I notice that you keep on getting distracted on every lesson for unknown reasons. And you two don't seem to have any sex this past week. So I figured you might feel sexually frustrated and crave Brother's attention," Lambert explains and folding his hands in front of the chest, "Higher-rank vampires are sexually active beings after all."

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