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'Or you will regret when it's too late.'

It seems so silly to worry about time when you're slowly falling in love with an immortal being. Because no matter how long, how dangerous it will be, they will always remain the same. Their age is stagnant, their youthful feature will always look the same. No wrinkles, no grey hair, their body won't break down because of age nor sickness to be worried about.

Yes, they will always live eternally, youthfully. But what about Noi?

Despite being destined by Balan that within the next several years Noi will be turned, the little lamb can't help to worry about the remaining time he'll spend as a human. There are so many possibilities that can instantly cut his life. Like what if Noi suddenly gets critically ill? Or if Balan accidentally get too rough on him? Or worse, what if Noi gets murdered like his big brother Allan? After all, Noi had been in that dangerous position before.

When an unexpected thing happens and Noi lost his life, what will Balan do? Will that heartless man feel anything? Will he wail so loud and agonizing like Annie?

When the cruel vampire has now almost dominated Noi's heart, is he giving the same effect and make himself engraved in Balan's heart? Or will he just go to be a small part of a passing memory in Balan's eternal life?

Noi wants to know where he stands and whether his existence is truly being cherished by Balan. Whether those countless intimate times they had spent together are going to be forever imprinted on Balan's mind. Noi wants to know if he is suddenly gone, will Balan truly be hurt by that?

And that curiosity led him to stand in front of the circular stoned stairs that will lead to Balan's chamber on the top of the tower. Noi had just sneak out from his shared guestroom and venture his way to stand here. The way to this part of the castle took quite some time as well since the tower's entrance is on the 3rd floor at the far back of the west wing of the castle. With a little pant on his breath, Noi's doe-eyes lingers to the lowest stairsteps of the stair, wondering whether it is the right choice to climb up and meet Balan.

They were together in the afternoon at the picnic, but Noi's mother was taking all of Balan's time by keep on bombarding the latter with questions and pieces of advice on life, not knowing that the man she gives pieces of advice to is multiple times way older than herself. The honoured, being a patient man he is, willing to listen to the babble of Noi's mother even until the picnic hours were up.

So basically, Noi's mother had snatch Balan away from Noi!

The little lamb let out a soft sigh and silently apologize to Balan for exhausting the latter out. But then again, the honoured is an unwearied creature therefore he won't ever feel tired.

 I'll take my apology back, you don't need it. Noi thought as he pouts his chestnut lips.


The familiar baritone voice jolts Noi in surprise as he abruptly turns and gazes at the source. Not far from where he stands, Balan already gaze back at him in wonder and ask, "What are you doing here? Did you get lost or something?"

Noi take a step back, causing a jingle from his anklet, "Did you hear me coming here?"

Balan nods, "That's why I came to check. I was at the office doing some paperwork when I heard you walked so far from the east wing." Not long after, the honoured's eyes slightly widen in realization and he tilts his head while smiling in amusement, "Did you come here to see me?"

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