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"Little Noi, it's already morning."

A baritone voice successfully awoke Noi from his slumber, but the desire to lift up his limp body is beaten up by the comfortable mattress that he currently laid on. Adding that he still feel tired because of last night intimate session, urge him to close his doe-eyes again and revisit the wonderful dreamland. So the little lamb replies to the call with a whining protest and rolls his body to the other side of the bed, escaping the vampire lord while burritoing himself with the blanket, "Mmmh~ 5 more minutes,"

"No, you really should wake up, darling. I've been giving you multiple 5 minutes already," Balan repeats as he chases the escaping naughty burrito. Without permission, the vampire lifts the sleepy boy along with the blankets and walk to the seating area since Noi's breakfast has been put on the coffee table. Balan then take his seat on the sofa and make the little lamb sits on his lap as he ignores the snuggling from Noi and the adorable bratty mumble, "Mmh~ But Balan~ I'm tired~"

"It's already way past your wake up time. Come, take your breakfast or else you'll miss the funeral." Balan says as he caresses the lean back to help the little lamb build consciousness and lifts the bowl of porridge to offers it to Noi.

The mention of the funeral abruptly brings back Noi's awareness, making his doe-eyes to be shot open because of realization. Noi slowly sitting a little straight up as gloom starts to build up inside his heart, beating the sleepy feeling inside his system. And despite Noi already positioning himself to sit properly, the little lamb didn't take the spoon and just gaze at the warm porridge in silence.

The thought of finally not seeing Allan again hit him. Because later on in the afternoon, his eldest brother will finally ended up to be inside an urn and be taken back with his family. At that point, it will be the last time he will see his full family together.

Noticing that the human boy has gone quiet as the bitter smell has begun to mix in Noi's sweet scent, makes Balan gaze at the other in wonder and put the bowl back to the tray. He uses his now free hand to caress Noi's cheek, "What's wrong, darling?"

"No... It's just..." The little lamb swallows thickly as he visibly tries to hold in the tears. Noi gazes down to avoid the latter see his gloom, "It's nothing..."

"Noi," Balan calls gently, "I can smell the bitter scent and see your eyes have gone glassy. Why are you suddenly feeling sad?"

The little lamb didn't answer and instead, begins to cry as the doe-eyes producing fat tears to cascade down the tanned cheeks. The sudden change of emotion surprised Balan, but he chose not to say anything as he understand that the little lamb must've felt the sorrow of losing a sibling. Because of that, the honoured gently caress Noi's back for comfort.

"Balan..." the little lamb weakly calls as his dainty hands busily erasing the tears.


Noi sniffles, "How did you feel... when you found out Eleanore had died?"

"Of course, devastated," Balan replies with a sad smile, "Anyone who had lost a family will always felt that, darling. It is normal to feel sad when we lost some dear in our heart."

"Then... When do you think," Noi sniffles again as he rests his head on the honoured's shoulder, "...this pain will go away? How can I... handle this pain?"

"...I don't know, Noi," Balan answers in all honesty since he himself was able to let it all go by blindly eradicated a kingdom. But for sure, that reason is ridiculous to be utter out at times like this. So the honoured utter out a reassurance, "All I can do for you is to be here beside you, just in case you need someone to lean on."

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