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Please feel free to correct my writings and relay your frustration in the comment! :)


Sounds of people shouting fill the cold air as Yngvarr's both arms and legs had been successfully decapitated by these barbaric executioners. Now, his limbless body is being forced to bend down and his head is being pressed on a rough surface of a big stone that emits already dried blood smell from lots of humans. Yngvarr's glowing red orbs looks up to the other 3 big men that held him down, with another big man held a big hammer with both hands, ready to swing it to crush his head.

Both his arms and legs had been mutilated into multiple parts as Yngvarr himself can see them being pile up in a bucket, pooled and dripping fresh blood as they're waiting for the other parts of his body to be brought and burn along.

It was a very unfortunate time for him because news about a monstrous being that they called Bragr has been rampaging and wipe out villages, leaving nothing left but decapitated bodies and destroyed cottages. The news had also reached the Capital and Yngvarr, who people had immediately recognize was immediately being captured and accused as Bragr, a term for any new creature that they had never seen before.

This is actually true but still, it's quite astonishing to know how easily they accused their own returning warrior, the one who had been fighting for their prosperity, as the monster without having any single base of proof.

But of course, in the end, it was proven the moment his eyes glow because of feeling wrath after hearing the death sentence and being around delicious humans.

Hmm, maybe that's why they accused him.

And without caring the reason as to why Yngvarr's here, he was soon being face to The King, the same one that Yngvarr had loyally served before. The majesty then proceeded to retract his knight status and decree a death sentence, a cruel one as The King knows that Bragr is not a normal being that won't be easy to kill.

"Mutilate all his body into pieces and throws them into the brazen bull. Burn from inside along with abundant coals. I want all of his remnants to be fully cremated and turned into ashes."

That's what the order was.

Now, Yngvarr's being sentenced in the middle of the town square and faced with the people that he once defended, now turning back and berating him. There are even the filthy fellow knights that come to see his execution, all smiling so happily and waiting for his demise.

"A half-blood bastard!"

"Dirty Bragr!!"

"Fucking cannibal!"

And some other more.

With all of his sadness, Yngvarr bears it all as he begins to realize that indeed, he deserves this. He is, after all, has killed lots of people because of uncontrollable hunger. By him dying, doesn't that means all of this will be over?

So without any protest and resistance, Yngvarr accepts his fate.

But then before he meets his fate, Yngvarr caught a sight that he doesn't want to see ever in his life. A sight that immediately ignites his a little fire of anger mixed with lots of curiosity. Which is the sight of his younger brother Elvar kneeling alone on the muddy ground at the side of the road, looking scrawny and sickly while begging for food to the other passerby that seems to ignore them.

Yngvarr doesn't see the sight of the other family member, but there's no way he's wrong to recognize his own younger brother Elvar even though the latter looks way older now with haggard looks and long unkempt hair.

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