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After a day of rest, Noi has now fully recovered from the fever and his right wrist felt so much better, even not hurt at all. But Balan had conveyed a message through Tao that the little lamb shouldn't use the limb too much for at least one more day to avoid any dislocation, since Noi is an artist and his wrist is an extremely important asset.

Thus why, even though it's not hurt nor swollen anymore, a bandage has neatly wrap around his wrist and Noi uses his left hand to eat, forking a piece of bear meat into his mouth and seldomly scoop some mashed potatoes along with it.

"So, how is it?" Tao, who sits on the sofa beside him asks for a review to relay to Kevin.

Noi nods, "It's delicious like always. The mashed potatoes are so creamy and savoury."

"How about the meat?" The young vampire asks again.

The human boy replies, "It's a little tough but I guess it was because the meat comes from a bear? I'm not sure since this is the first time I ate bear meat."

The young vampire hums in agreement, "Fair, I guess. I'll let Kevin know about it."

Noi nods again and causing the chain to clink with each other. The human boy notices the sound and frown as he holds the chain in his hand, "How long do you think I'll be chained up like this?"

Yes, after recovering from his illness, Balan finally ordered Noi to be chained to avoid the latter escaping. Luckily, the chain is very long, giving him the freedom to roam around the chamber or even enough to go to the bathroom. It is also not that big, which doesn't weigh and hurt Noi's neck that much. But still... it's unethical.

The honoured didn't come to check on him even once after the latter healed Noi. So the human boy has no way to try reason out or begging to not be bound. Not that he's prepare and brave enough to face Balan yet anyway.

Well, it is also thanks to Tao who forbids Balan to go back to the latter's personal chamber. The youngest vampire doesn't want to worsen Noi's condition as he's afraid Balan will do the unthinkable, even though the eldest likely won't do that. Luckily, the honoured oblige to the request as it is after all involving Noi's health.

"Well, I'm not sure na Nong. I'm still trying to reason out with P'In to at least let that chain go but he's still reluctant to do that." Tao says as he takes the human boy's empty plate and put it on the tray.

"Why? He's afraid that I'll run away again?" Noi asks.

"That, and I think he's just worried you'll hurt yourself. After all, you always come back with wounds every time you try to run away." Tao reminds and lets out a gentle smile while holding on to Noi's hands, "Be patient na Nong. I'll try to talk to him again for you."

The human boy replies to the kindness with a smile as deep inside his heart, Noi really appreciates the care and gentle attention Tao has given to him. The young vampire always tries as best as the latter can to cheer him up, immediately coming here after woken up to check and accompanied him from the afternoon. Proven by the young vampire's attire who still wore his bunny pyjama sets and the bed-messy brown hairs.

But when it comes to being chained up, Noi really doesn't see any difference even if he being unbound or even allowed to roam around the castle again. Noi can't go home, won't be able to see his family forever. Now he's not even allowed to go outside because of his own reckless decision. Which he doesn't regret doing because at least he tried, even though he failed miserably and almost lost his own life.

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