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Please feel free to correct my writings and relay your frustration in the comment! :)


Despite wanting to just use his supernatural power to burn all of his body and be black ash of whirlwind to quickly transport across the province just to see his adorable little lamb, Balan refrain to do so. Why you might ask?

Well, because every time Balan uses that special and unique ability he alone has, the honoured needs to go through the excruciating pain of being burnt alive in a matter of seconds and reconstructing at the same amount of time. That is why even though Balan can take the pain, he rarely uses the power unless it is necessary for him to do so.

Adding that his trusted offspring had the need to call the talkative Tao before departing back, making the nagging younger vampire force Balan to comply disguise as human and uses transportation to go back to the village. Now both of them were stuck at the station on the nearest town in the cloudy and chilly afternoon, waiting for their chauffeur to pick them up.

"I hate disguising as human," Balan mumbles while still boring his eyes to the passing humans that keep on leering their awestruck gaze on them. Despite wearing a rather odd and victorian getup, both Balan and Lambert did not fail to enchant women inside this station. Which irritates him more than feeling flattered because it means every movement he made is being watched.

Balan then moves his gaze to the crowded parking cars, making him feel to be more annoyed since he had to wait for his own car to arrive. Ignoring the equal annoying squeals of women around them, Balan then glances to his quiet offspring, who now helps to hold the walking cane, "Why on earth do you need to call Tao back there? Now we're stuck here since Oliver is being late to pick us up."

"I'm sorry, brother," Lambert utters apologetically, "It's just that... Tao looked so sad when I left him 2 days ago."

"That's just him being clingy, Lambert. You're spoiling him too much! This is why he never seems to grow up despite already being with us for almost 300 years." Balan retorts as he pouts his thin lips out of annoyance.

"I'm sorry, brother," Lambert repeats, "I... There's no excuse for the prolonged mistake that I did."

"There is," Balan retorts back, "And that what makes you weaker. Lessen it."

After hearing another apology from Lambert, Balan moves his gaze back to the street and shouts, not minding the other people that jump in surprise because of Balan's loud baritone voice, "Oliver! If you're not here on the count of three, I will not let you even touch any of my cars again. One..."


As if on cue, sounds of a smooth engine between the other rough ones can be heard, as a sleek black Rolls Royce is seen approaching the station with the speed of light. Not long, the said vehicle abruptly stops directly in front of them as the driver frantically goes out of it and deeply bows repeatedly to both masters, "I apologize to kept you waiting, Master Balan and Master Lambert."

"What took you so long?" Balan grunts while folding his arms in front of his chest, "Don't tell me you were driving leisurely again?"

"Well," Oliver scratch his not itchy cheek while laughing awkwardly, "It was a very enjoyable moment as I didn't notice that I drive so slow. Apologize, Master Balan." he bows deeply again.

The honoured let out a soft sigh, "Alright, whatever. I expect to arrive in 2 hours time, understand?"

Oliver gasps, "But Master! Speeding in broad daylight is dangerous!"

"Nonsense! I bet there won't be any cars besides ours on the road towards the village. So quit complaining and let's go." Balan replies as he proceeds to goes into the car while ignoring the adoring gaze from the people at them.

Little Lamb [BxB|18+]✓Where stories live. Discover now