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The next day, Ansons' decide to have a picnic on the hill not far from the village later in the afternoon. And knowing that, servants of Blackburn's household immediately prepared all the food for their guests to bring inside a fancy-ass big picnic trunk without being told. The kindness makes Noi, who is now sitting on the stool at the kitchen island with Tao on his side, blush shyly for feeling grateful for the service, "You really don't have to do all of this but thank you for preparing our lunch, Kevin."

Hearing his name is being called, Kevin turn his head to Noi and smile widely while his hands still busily assembling a variety of sandwiches. And even though the chef showed the pair of long fangs, Noi doesn't seem to be scared of them anymore, "No problem at all, Young Master Noi. It is our duty as servants to serve the masters of the house. Do feel free to ask for our service any time."

"But technically, I'm not one of your masters," Noi says while scratching his not itchy cheek, "I'm just Balan's... pet."

"Pet is still considered higher in position than servants na Nong," Tao explains, "And since you're P'In's precious one, your position is almost the same as me and P'Elie."


"Mhm," Tao nods, "Didn't you heard what P'In said to me the last time you tried to run away? He threatened to kill me, you know."

"He did?!" Noi gasp in shock.

"Aw, you didn't hear it huh?" The young vampire pouts, "He was so mad that night and even didn't apologize to me for that! Such a rude Lord! But understandable since he was so worried for you."

As a human, Noi should feel horrified by it. But don't know why, his heart feels warm and fluttering for the fact that Balan had been truly worried for him. Of course, the honoured was an asshole for shaming him, but the intentions behind that harsh treatment are beginning to get considered by Noi. That doesn't mean Balan was not wrong, though.

It's horrible that Noi's mindset has begun to slowly shift away from the usual humane standards. But that change is inevitable as the human boy had been living with these cannibals yet kind supernatural creatures for more than a month. So of course, being exposed to horrid scenes and unusual experiences will eventually change Noi's way of thinking.

Not long after, there are a series of steps approaching them. Then, Noi can feel a familiar gentle caress on his black hair and a kiss on his temple. When he pans around, his doe-eyes met the honoured's black orbs, gazing so tenderly at him. The baritone voice then speaks, slightly giving goosebumps on the nape of Noi's neck, "How's your night? Did you sleep well?"

It has been a few days since they spent the time separately. Balan seems to understand that Noi needs to spend more time with his family, considering the little lamb is in both grief and longing.

They don't even see each other in the nighttime as Balan had allowed Noi to sleep with the latter's family on the second floor on the east wing of the main building. The little lamb shared a room with the brother and father as the room also connected to the mother's and Annie's room.

Noi's really grateful for what Balan had done for him, allowing him to have more time to feel the warmth of his family. But, Noi can't deny that on some nights, he secretly wished that he can spend the nights back in the honoured's chamber on the top floor of the lone tower. The reason is that... the view is great there.

No! Noi didn't miss Balan's gentle patting on his bumbum or the baritone voice that hums a lullaby for him every night! Or the safe embrace that often envelopes him in his sleep! He really, really, just missed the beautiful view from high above.

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