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As night has slowly turned into the day, Tao has finally decided to retreat to his own bedroom as he is now closing the chamber door after bidding goodbye to Noi. He had been accompanying the little lamb from the late afternoon till dawn, talking about random things and mainly complaining about his beloved who's dare to sided with Balan.

The young vampire had just closed the chamber door and was about to go down to retreat to his own bedroom but caught the sight of Balan, standing not far on the landing of the spiral stone stairs that lead down to the lower floors. The honoured's uninvited presence makes Tao frown in displease, "What are you doing here, Phi?"

Balan raised one of his eyebrows with an obvious look, "Back to my chamber, of course. It has been a couple of days since I don't take a rest."

"But you don't need resting!" Tao retorts as he crosses his arms together and stands in front of the door, "Are you going to bully Nong again? I won't let you!"

"What if I want to apologize instead? Will you still not let me see him?" Balan asks back.

The question makes Tao gasp in disbelief, "You're going to ask for forgiveness? That is so not believable na Phi! You should really practice how to lie properly!"

The accusation and Tao's defensive attitude amuses Balan, "Weren't you the one who kept telling me to apologize and fix my mistake? Now that I'm trying to do what you suggest me to do, you're going to tell me to stay away?" The honoured tilt his head and grin because of Tao's confusing and childish act, "What is exactly you want me to do, Tao?"

Being face with his own confusing attitude makes Tao not be able to answer and just gaping his mouth like a fish out of water. So eventually, the young vampire sighs in defeat and scoot away from the door, "Fine. But please don't be so harsh on him na Phi."

"I won't." Balan replies and gesture with his head to the stairs, "You really need to make a peace with Lambert. He's been gloomy all night and vents it all up to our villagers in the throne room."

"Lambert?" Tao echoes and tilts his head, "P'Elie?"

"Yes, Elvar." Balan confirms and repeats the gesture again, "Now go, before he murders my villagers because of wrath."

Tao obliges and hurriedly goes to the stairs, but then stop and turn back to Balan, "Phi, aren't you going to say sorry for threatening to kill me as well?"

"No," Balan replies, "Because you were neglectful that day and I meant it. Now go."

Being shoo away and not getting the apology, Tao pouts in annoyance but don't dare to say anything. He proceeds to goes down and decides to have a talk with his beloved instead.

Once the youngest has gone out of sight, Balan opens the door and goes into the chamber without knocking. His eyes then caught the sight of the little lamb who busily arrange the pillow while talking with his back facing at the honoured, not bothering to look back, "What is it, Tao? Did you forget somethi-"

Noi quickly cuts his own words when he turns around and sees the unexpected Lord who had humiliated him a couple of days ago. The sight of the honoured intensify his nervousness, subconsciously scoot his lean back to press the headboard as his doe-eyes gaze at the vampire in alert, "W-what are you doing here?"

It tugs Balan's heart in an uncomfortable way to see the little lamb has gone cautious with his presence. The honoured approach while folding both sleeves of his shirt and sits at the side of the bed, gazing at Noi with a blank stare, but enough to imply that he's not here to hurt the latter in any way.

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