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At first, Noi has some doubt about Balan allowing his family to come and visit. To him, it's just too good to be true that this cruel vampire suddenly went kind enough to do that. But a couple of days after the village is officially opened to the public, Noi is immediately convinced the moment he sees Balan's luxurious Lincoln approaching the castle's driveway and stop in front of the entrance.

Noi has been properly dressed in a casual turtleneck, cardigan and pants, with the collar hidden underneath and the anklet slightly peeking through in between the right hem of his pants and sneakers. Overall, the little lamb looks well-dressed, even better than the first time he came because all of the garments that are currently sticking on him was perfectly tailored according to his built.

A 1000-year-old tailor indeed has impeccable quality.

Besides the nervous little lamb, stands Balan with the usual all-black casual equally-tailored attire, looking dashing as always and ready to greet the guests into his castle. On the other side of them also stands Tao, Lambert, and Hans with his army of servants that politely bow their heads down. All in all, the welcome gesture looks grand with how many vampires are present just to greet a human family.

As the car door finally being opened, a petite Asian woman in her early 50s walks out from the rear door and a younger caucasian woman with bob brunette hair soon followed. There's also a caucasian young man with blonde hair in his early 20s coming out from the passenger seat with a much older caucasian man at the other rear door. This means almost all of The Anson household came to visit Noi.

And there's no doubt that the older woman is Noi's mother since their features are almost identical. Adorable set of doe-eyes, delicate yet angular jawline, and full chestnut-shaped lips. When the old woman caught sight of her youngest son, Noi's mother elegantly covers her mouth in shock with tears pooling in her eyes. She then walks slowly in Noi's direction while uttering with a motherly tone, "My boy! My sweet baby boy Little Noi!"

"Ma!" Can't contain his own happiness, Noi runs to his mother while spreading his arms, ready to hug the petite mother to satisfy his longing. But to his surprise instead of returning the hug, his mother suddenly hit the top of his head with a handbag that she held, shocking Noi as he's now holding the throbbing spot with both hands, "Ow! Mama!!"

"You naughty son!!" She yells and was about to hit Noi again when her husband and the second step-son, Aidan, came to the rescue. They desperately try to hold Noi's mother who seems so suddenly doubled her strength, "How dare you one-sidedly decided to stay and cancel your enrollment so suddenly?!!"

"Honey, calm down," Bruce, Noi's father tries to soothe his wife.

"Mom! Chill out!" Aidan adds.

"No!! Let me be a strict Mama and kick this naughty son's butt!!" Noi's mother retorts.

Hearing the threat, Noi quickly retreats to hid behind Balan's board back and peek as he whines, asking for forgiveness, "Mama! I'm so sorry!"

"Does this-!" She was about to cuss Balan out but stop when she sees how overly handsome the honoured is, who now smiles oh so dazzlingly at her. Because of awestruck, Noi's mother subconsciously compliments his looks, "Oh my... no wonder you wanted to stay..."

"Nice to finally meet you, Mrs Anson. Welcome to our humble home," Balan greet politely as he bows and take the mother's hand to give a brief kiss on the knuckle as a courtesy. The aristocratic gesture makes the old woman blush and instantly smile shyly.

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