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Hello, readers! Almost a week of no interacting with you all, hehehe~

Missed you guys a lot! And as I said before in my message board, I just have gone back from a trip and now is fully rested. However, it seems my mind is struggling to plot this story. So, I apologize in advance if the ending is not that good. I tried to make it as connected as much as I can and end this story as soon as possible without neglecting the flow of the plot.


Please feel free to correct my writings and relay your frustration in the comment! :)


It has been more than a month since Noi confessed his feeling through the sketchbook. Even though he himself felt doing it through scribble like that is not really enough and unfair, Balan seems to not mind and thought differently. Because after that, the honoured kept on bringing him a bouquet of flowers every day without skipping any. The daily gesture makes the little lamb's tummy filled with delight and his heart flutter with happiness.

Noi can't contain the smile that currently blooms on his lips as dainty hands keep on busily arranging the flowers on the 12th vase inside the chamber. The fragrant smell of roses and primroses had been filling the space this past month to the point it makes Tao often complain about the smell and even refuses to hang out inside the chamber anymore because of it. 

But as always, Noi didn't really care since he likes how fragrant the smell is. Besides, it's natural and 100% plant-based.

Balan also kept his words regarding letting Noi meet the Ansons again. It has been proven by the honoured allowing Aidan to come to visit him again next month. And it seems that the elder brother was really eager to come and hang out here as the latter even befriended Tao by chatting through the messenger app.

Everything has oddly arranged according to his convenience. Balan being kind and loving and still having the privilege of contacting his family for another couple more years. The condition is very much comfortable for Noi now and he's not complaining one bit.

As Noi's done arranging the flowers, he took a few steps back to admire his recent creation and smile for feeling satisfied at how pretty it looks. He then looks around the chamber in search of some space to put the vase. But, the little lamb yells in fright to see someone, a stranger, unexpectedly stand at the far corner of the room gazing back at him.

He genuinely thought the woman is a ghost, demon, someone who belonged to that mystic category as she just suddenly appears out of thin air. Adding that her attire's all-black with her hair as dark as a midnight sky, of course, it creeped Noi the fuck out no matter how pretty the stranger is. The little lamb swiftly grabs the garden scissors and point the pointy end to the woman while walking backwards to widen their distance, "W-who are you?! How did you come here?!"

The woman doesn't seem to feel threatened and instead, smile at Noi as her once grey eyes turns and glow into a gold colour. The view stunned Noi as the woman walks a little bit forward while greeting him so casually, "Well, hello there, Little one Time for you to sleep eternally."

"Huh?" Noi expressed and was about to ask what she meant but got even more surprised when the woman suddenly stands in front of him in a blink of an eye and grab his forehead with her palm. The little lamb was about to protest when suddenly, his dark brown orbs changed colour into a foggy white as her voice begins to speak a foreign language he didn't understand.

Then, the blocked vision begins to show an outdoor scene that he recognizes as the lone road of a forest outside of the village, similar to the ones he almost lost his life. The only difference is this scene happened in the afternoon as the sun is still high up in the sky. There's also a car that he can also recognize as one of Balan's expensive cars, proven by the honoured is seen inside the moving vehicle as it passed him at a high speed. Suddenly, Noi can hear a voice, a man's voice that he immediately recognizes suddenly speaks inside his mind.

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