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When Balan arrived in front of his own chamber, he can clearly hear the constant jingles from the anklet mixed with Noi's voice at the other side of the door. The small continuous shrill sound and the adorable incoherent whining makes Balan's already smiling lips go higher, turning them wider into a full-blown grin.

Balan's not even inside the chamber yet but Noi's sweet scent had already seeped out from the gaps of the door. And the scent also gives a lot of information about what the little lamb currently feel to him, which is embarrassment mixes with lots of nervousness.

Judging from how sweet and whatever that scent means, it just convinces Balan how true Noi's feeling is towards him. And that just makes him more excited to tease his dearest little lamb.

Ignoring the lock on the door, the honoured easily open it with a little force using his brute strength. The break-in to his own personal chamber caused Noi that wraps himself with a blanket while sitting cross-legged on the bed, to loudly gasp in shock with wide doe-eyes and stutter, "B-Ba-Balan!"

The little lamb's position makes him look so adorable in the vampire's eyes since all his normal black orbs can see is Noi's head. The little lamb's black locks are also looking slightly dishevelled, probably because the latter had been vigorously rubbed them out of shyness.

"Hm?" The honoured hums a reply while trying to hide his smile. The vampire then bends down to take the chipped piece and fix the door with his power before closing and locks it again. He turns around to Noi with a cheeky smile while pointing at the door, "Why did you lock the door, darling? You do know I forbid you to do that when you're alone, just in case something bad happens."

"B-but... I-uh," Noi stutters to find a reason, "I want privacy!"

"Are you?" The honoured chuckles as he nods and walks towards the bed, "What's got to do with locking the chamber door? No one is going to come here anyway."

"But still..." The little lamb whimper and hide deeper in the folds of the blanket.

Balan was about to tease Noi further but then the cheeky smile falters the moment he catches another whiff of Noi's scent. Once he's on at the edge of the bed, Balan carefully put on the flower crown to the blushing little lamb's head before sitting on the mattress. Then his eyes glow into red and look around at Noi searching for something while asking in concern, "Did you get hurt anywhere, darling?"

At first, Noi look surprised by the unexpected out of the blue question. But then, the little lamb shyly takes his hands out, showing his reddening palms to Balan while mumbling, "Only blisters. They're not that big of a deal."

"Big or not, they are still wounds, darling," The honoured replies with concern as he took out the first aid kit from the nightstand's drawer and take out a small tube of soothing cream, "They need to be tended properly so they won't hurt you for too long. Mind to tell me how did you manage to get these?"

After letting Balan put on the cream on the sore area while also nibbling his own lower lip to form a reason, Noi begins to mumble again to explain, "I... got them because I weaved the freshly cutted flowers too fast." He then gazes down at his own palms, paying attention to Balan's long fingers that are now nimbly applying soothing cream to his palms, "I'm curious..."

The little lamb's statement makes Balan's smile bloom, "You're always curious about something."

"Ish!" Noi tries to pull his hands, "You're mean!"

Little Lamb [BxB|18+]✓Where stories live. Discover now