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Author's note: Mew's L'Officiel's photoshoots are... HUAH! I'm speechless. Changing the character's picture ASAP!

Please feel free to correct my writings! :)


"You know, Captain Yngvarr,"

The man, whose name is being called, turn his head to the latter, a much younger fellow lower rank knight from his battalion as well as the closest one to him.

The fellow knight is as dirty as him and wore a set of iron armour as heavy as his. The younger's bow-shaped lips turn into a pout while both of his full-of-dirt hands are now supporting his jaw. If not because of the soil and blood sticking on his body and raven locks, or the sheathed yet tainted sword that leans between his shoulder and arm, the man for sure will look dazzlingly cute with the pose that he currently displayed.

Voices of fellow knights groaning in the background can be heard between the crackling sound of fire that burns in front of them. The dark sky of the night displays many constellations along with a moon that is almost as big as their silver coins.

"I miss our family, Especially little sister Elleanore. How much longer do you think we will be on the battleground?" the latter sigh as his brown orbs gaze to the now darken and vast land not far from their camp. Because of the moonlight, the silhouette of a single castle can be seen. It strategically sits on top of a slim hill in the middle of a big lake, with only a single entrance at the front of the building.

Yngvarr chuckles as he pats the man's shoulder in a friendly manner, "Soon, Elvar. Victory is already within our reach. We just need to fight a little more and soon, we will able to go home to the warmth of our family."

The man, whose name is Elvar, nods in understanding as his brown almond eyes show determination and the thick brows knots together in bravery, "Soon, the land of Kirk will be in our hands as Odin is on our side."

❂ ❂ ❂


Thunders keep on shouting at each other as lightning is visibly cutting the sky with their bolts. The harsh sounds of nature can't even hide the continuous soft thumping and the sound of moaning that can be heard faintly between the wet and sucking sounds, beating the previous ticking continuous sound of the clock inside the room.

"Mmmppff... Hnnghh..."

The violent acts of nature successfully illuminate the dim-lit office as the fireplace helps to do the same and warming up the place. The glass eyes of the taxidermied animals reflect the warm light of the fire that dances on the roasting wood as they have also become the silent witness of the sensual act of 2 beings that is now sticking with each other on the sofa in front of the fireplace. One of them is seen squirming, resisting the other with his inadequate strength as his hit gradually getting weaker on every strike.

"Hhhhh... nnnnnhh..."

Noi's smaller fist finally stopped hitting the toned chest of the vampire that is currently sucking and forcefully shoved a tongue inside his mouth. The younger has been repeatedly choked because of how ridiculously long Balan's tongue is. The tender limbs reached to the end of his own, as sometimes the honoured mercilessly played with his uvula.

And because of the vile act, the boy ended up keeps on swallowing Balan's saliva, which surprisingly, taste very sweet to Noi. The strong veiny hands of the honoured painfully iron grip his slim waist and head, not letting him resist the forceful act even a little bit. The wet doe-eyes begins to roll back and fluttering, as the owner of those beautiful pair is currently lack oxygen due to the man he straddles on continue to steal his breath away while seldomly choke because the honoured keep on playing with his uvula and the saliva that keeps on being swallowed by him.

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