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2 weeks have passed since Noi passed away. The whole castle and even villagers are grieving for the loss of their adorable human young lord that was so naughty, bratty, but overall endearing. His youthful antic behaviours stuck in their heart and mind.

The adorable young lord will be missed and forever remains in the village's memories. Because of that, villagers often leave bouquets of red roses and primroses, both of Noi's favourite flowers, in front of the castle's gate continuously since the little lamb's passing.

All of the villagers have also fully agreed to temporarily close the village off from other humans. It is being done to give a little peace for the mourning Blackburn family, especially their Lord, who has now locked himself to grieve alone at one of the chambers on the third floor of the castle with the little lamb's corpse to accompany him.

...Yes, Balan has decided to isolate himself with Noi's lifeless body and mourn inside the chamber without even having anything to eat, since the third floor is off-limits.

Being a first-rank vampire, Balan will always prefer to be on the highest floor to prevent any unnecessary noises coming into his sensitive ears. This is why the vampire lord's chamber was so high up in the tower so he can be at peace without hearing so many noises at once. But since the tower has been destroyed and is currently in the middle of construction, the honoured that had now occupied the third floor doesn't let anyone went up to that level in order to lessen the noise so he can mourn peacefully.

The Lord's decision to keep Noi's corpse shocks all of the living vampires, both inside and outside of the castle. But even though it looks like a crazy decision come from a lunatic, the servants and other members of the family can only obey as technically, despite assuming that Balan is really gone insane, he is still the head of the family and master of the house.

But the youngest member of the family begins to think otherwise as he feels enough of his P'In's outrageous behaviour. Tao fully understands that losing someone precious to you is a painful thing. The young vampire also felt the loss as Noi's also a precious friend of his. But to keep the corpse by your side is just... insane! Nuts! Plain crazy even for cruel vampires like them!!

It's not normal for any living being, supernatural or not, to do!!!

Even if someday, knock on the wood first, his beloved Lambert left this world earlier than himself, Tao would never keep the latter's corpse and watch it rot away by his side. The young vampire will for sure give a proper funeral for his beloved and just kill himself after. Adding that the ridiculous new order of not letting anyone gone on the third floor means both Tao and Lambert had moved out of their own respective rooms also pissed him.

So because of all of those reasons, Tao turns to his beloved with a displeased look as his hooded hazel eyes keep on blinking, "Phi! How long are you going to let P'In keep this up?! It has been 2 weeks already!"

"Ssstt, Tao. He can hear you very clearly. We're just two floors below him now." Lambert warns.

"I don't care!" Tao quickly retorts, "He needs to hear how crazy he has now become na Phi!!"

The older then let out a hard sigh as he too feels frustrated with his brother's outrageous behaviour, "I know, Bunny. I understand your frustration and also feel the same as you, but really. There's nothing we could do to but wait for his grief to pass."

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