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Balan let the little lamb down as they've reached the newly-built chamber. As soon as his pretty feet touched the ground, Noi slowly walks deeper while pans his gaze around the room in awe. The further he takes in the details of the chamber, the nostalgic feeling comes in waves and washed over him. 

Everything looks the same as he had remembered; the wide canopy bed at the further side of the room with a set of antique lamps on each nightstand; multiple furry rugs on the polished wooden floor; the built-in fireplace on the stoned wall in front of the lounge area, which consists of a long sofa and a matching coffee table.

"I make sure everything looks the same," Balan explains behind Noi, "Do you like it?"

The little lamb faintly smiles and hums the answer as his doe-eyes still continues to take in the familiarity, "This reminds me of the first time I went into this place. I was very much desperate to be away from this room, always thought how awful this village was and how horrible of a man you were. It felt like the unknown and scary things around me will for sure make me live in the worst nightmare. I thought I would never be happy and just be afraid for the rest of my life."

The little lamb then feels a wide palm gently caress him, from the upper spine as it runs down to the small curve of his back. Then, the other wide palm soon follows and wrap his slender waist, bringing the warmth of someone else to stick behind him. A gentle breath caress Noi's sensitive ear as Balan's baritone voice mumbles, "Then how do you feel about now?"

One of the wide palms then runs up and goes into the shirt to gently fondle his chest, making Noi let out a shaky breath the moment the sturdy fingers rub the bud of his nipple. Balan's baritone voice turns huskier as the embrace around his tiny waist becomes tighter, almost suffocating him in an erotic way, "Do you still feel this chamber as a place of terror? Does my presence still frightens you?"

Through the bated breath that was caused by the sensual touch, Noi answers with a shaky voice, "No... Everything is... different now. The moment you take my heart away... everything becomes... prettier... more reasonable... less scary..."

The honoured's wide palms then rest on the little lamb's chest, where the still heart is right underneath.  Despite not beating, there's an unknown pressure that begins to tighten it and sends a shiver from the base of Noi's spine up to the nape of his neck. Balan asks again, leaning much closer to his ear, "Then how about here? What does this little one feel about me?"

"Mmmh," Noi whimpers as his legs begin to wobble. luckily, one of the strong arms still supports around his waist. If not, The little lamb for sure will fall down to the ground because of the thick sexual tension, "It... wants you... so badly..."

Balan hums in content as his long fingers are running down on the opening of Noi's shirt, ripping the buttons as he goes while the tip of his digits sends a shiver on the little lamb's front torso. Once he reached the latter's tummy, Balan explores further down by ripping the button off and zip down the little lamb's trousers,  pulling the underwear along as letting the garments eventually pool underneath the pair of long shaky legs.

He then turns Noi around to face him as the glowing doe-eyes flutters in a daze. The slightly gaping chestnut lips let out a soft gasp the moment Balan tightly wrap his arm again underneath the opened shirt and pull the slender waist to press with his. The honoured then runs his hand upwards, from the little lamb's flat stomach to the curvy side and run further up to expose the bony shoulder from the shirt. The honoured then mutters in a much lower, huskier voice that is thickly laced with lust, "Do you regret it? To fall in love with me?"

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